Despite the fact that online tutoring has been around for some time now, most of the students and their parents or guardians have not considered it as a good tutoring option. They cannot imagine the possibility of meeting with a tutor virtually and how beneficial it can be!
However, once students and their parents and guardians understand the fact that online learning through online tutoring is achievable and effective, the attitudes will change from skepticism to appreciation and enthusiasm. Just like how telecommuting and virtual commerce can benefit a business, online tutoring also has its own benefits.
These advantages make it competitive with in-person tutoring and even in some cases make it more superior than in-person tutoring. So, without further ado, here are the major advantages of online tutoring:
1. Availability
One of the best things about online tutoring is the fact that an online tutor can offer his or her services from any part of the world and at any time. This can be beneficial especially for those who need a tutor who can meet according to their schedule something that can at times be difficult to achieve with in-person training. Online tutoring removes the restrictions of time zones, geography, and commuting making it an option worth considering. You can find a tutor here.
2. Many Options to Choose From
There are many tutors available online. What this means is that you will not have to get stuck with a single tutor just because there are limited options. Therefore with online tutoring, you can easily find a tutor who meets your needs as there are many tutors to choose from.
In addition, you can work with many tutors who specialize in different areas hence giving you an opportunity to select tutors who are experts in their area of specialization.
3. Value
Online tutoring offers value for money as it enables you to select a tutor or tutors based on merit and not on scarcity. As a result, you will not be forced to 2nd or 3rd rate tutors because you have limited options. Online tutoring is very competitive and tutors compete for clients and not the other way round.
4. Online Tutoring is Convenient
The fact that you don’t have to leave your dorm room or house to meet your tutor makes online tutoring very convenient. Face to face meeting with a tutor incurs the expense of fuel costs and travel time unless you get an exceptionally altruistic tutor. Plus, you have to change out of your jammies whenever you have a visitor or want to leave your house.
5. Accessibility
Convenience assumes that you have a choice or choices. However, what if you have no other choice for local tutoring? There are people who have no choice but to choose online tutoring to get tutoring.
6. Technology
Those who have not used online tutoring fear that the technology could be a hindrance. What they don’t know is that technology can be beneficial in many ways particularly young people who often chat on Skype and not intimidated by new software. Online sessions can be easily recorded for future reference.
Good online tutors often use technology for illustrative purposes by using animations, photos, diagrams, and drawings. In addition, online tutoring allows you to access resources that are not readily available if you were sitting across a table.
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