You may have prepared for your CompTIA’s A+ 220-901 exam by studying months before. You may even have purchased the A+ 901 902 PDF practice test to get as close as possible to how it feels like to take that kind of exam. But, despite all of those preparations, there’s still a chance that you’ll encounter a panic attack right before you take your test.
That’s because exam anxiety exists, and a lot of people suffer from this condition regardless of how much you prepare. Try adopting the following steps to help you feel calm on the day of your exam.
Eat right
Obviously, you need to fill up your brain with all the information you need. And to do that, you need to fill up your stomach with nutritious foods as well. This means stocking up on the following foods:
- Spinach, kale, artichokes
- Cashews, almonds, pecans, walnuts
- Egg yolks
- Beef
- Liver
- Salmon
- Oysters
- Avocado, apples, sweet cherries
- Plums, prunes
- Red beans
- Sauerkraut
- Ginger
- Turmeric
Take supplements
Just eating right, however, isn’t enough to steady your nerves on the day of your exam. You need to take some supplements, too. The following are examples:
- Kava
- Magnesium
- Lysine
- Passionflower
- St. John’s Wort
Take Epsom salt baths
To further enhance your calm, take an Epsom salt bath in your tub. Epsom salts have magnesium sulfate, which is essential to helping you stay calm. It can also help ease any pain in your body.
If you’ve been studying for several weeks already, there’s a good chance that you’re having constant headaches, which then exacerbate your anxiety. So, take an Epsom salt bath every day after your review. And on the day of your exam, take a 15-minute salt bath before you head to the testing room.
Exercising regularly is another effective way to relieve stress and feel calm. That’s because exercise activates your hormones and makes your body release endorphins, which are the hormones in charge of making us feel happy.
Also, scientists have long discovered that regular exercise can boost your memory. So, not only will exercise make you feel better, but it will also enhance your capability to remember more information.
Stretch before the test
Before you sit down and start answering your exam, stretch your limbs first. Anxiety can stiffen your muscles, which can feel uncomfortable and distract you from answering your test properly.
By stretching your limbs and your muscles, you’re helping yourself feel more comfortable. You’ll then be more able to focus on your exam and answer the questions correctly.
Sit properly
Even your posture has an impact on how well you’ll be able to answer your test. According to scientists, sitting properly can enhance your ability to stay calm and answer your test with more confidence.
That’s because if you slouch, your bent body will prevent you from breathing properly. And when you’re not breathing properly, you’re putting your body under undue stress, which won’t help you focus on searching your brain for answers. So, sit properly and breathe normally. Get as much oxygen as you can into your lungs to help your brain function properly.
Exam anxiety does exist. But, if you follow these suggestions, you’ll be able to fend off that anxiety effectively enabling you to ace your test.
Even your posture has an impact on how well you’ll be able to answer your test. According to scientists, sitting properly can enhance your ability to stay calm and answer your test with more confidence.
That’s because if you slouch, your bent body will prevent you from breathing properly. And when you’re not breathing properly, you’re putting your body under undue stress, which won’t help you focus on searching your brain for answers. So, sit properly and breathe normally. Get as much oxygen as you can into your lungs to help your brain function properly.
Exam anxiety does exist. But, if you follow these suggestions, you’ll be able to fend off that anxiety effectively enabling you to ace your test.
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