MAT 2017 Important Dates- MAT important dates 2017: AIMA has announced the MAT 2017 schedule of September exam. As per the timeline published by AIMA, MAT 2017 will be conducted in online and offline mode on September 3 and 9 respectively. MAT application process 2017 has started from July 3. It will be continued until the last week of August. After the completion of MAT 2017 registration process, admit card will be issued to the candidates.
MAT or Management Aptitude Test is an examination that screens the students for their management skills in order to grab a seat in a B-school in India. It acts as one of the gate-keeper examinations for students to secure admission for the MBA courses.
MBA aspirants should keep the track of MAT 2017 important dates to ensure that they don’t miss any important event related to MAT exam 2017. For the ease of the candidates, schedule of MAT 2017 has been provided below.
MAT Important Dates 2017 for September exam
Candidates who will be appearing for the MAT September 2017 exam can check the important dates below:
S.No. | Event | Date |
1. | MAT Registration process commencement | July 3, 2017 |
2. | Last date to apply for offline mode | August 23, 2017 |
3. | Computer-based MAT Registration ends on | August 25, 2017 |
4. | MAT Admit Card will be issued on | After August 26, 2017 |
5. | Paper-based MAT will held on | September 03, 2017 |
6. | Computer-based MAT will be conducted | September 09, 2017 |
7. | MAT Result will be published | September 2017 |
As per the MAT eligibility criteria 2017, candidates who have done their graduation in any disciple with minimum 50% can apply for the exam. Also, a student appearing for final year exams of graduation or waiting for the result of same is eligible to apply for MAT.
Exam pattern of MAT 2017 will remain same as before. There will be 200 questions in five different sections. Each section will have 40 questions. It will be a test of two hours and thirty minutes.
MAT Registration 2017 can be processed in both the modes i.e. offline and online. The registration fee for MAT September 2017 is INR 1400. The last date to apply offline and online is August 23 and August 25, 2017, respectively. In the case of offline registration, candidates will have to purchase the MAT bulletin and CD from the designated AIMA Centres.
Candidates can download the MAT 2017 admit card in the last week of August. Specific admit card will be generated for both the modes i.e. paper-based and computer-based MAT exam. Candidates have to carry the admit card on the day of MAT exam, otherwise, will not be allowed to sit for the exam.
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