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Reasonable Suspicion Training: The Ultimate Guide

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Reasonable suspicion training came about to educate the supervisors and managers so that they can provide a safe working environment for employees by identifying those who are abusing illegal substance in the workplace. This training is highly recommended to those who have employees who drive or perform sensitive tasks in the organization. When one drinks or uses drugs he/she also become a risk to the other employees. This is why reasonable suspicion training is important for all organizations.

The course is recommended for the top management and mostly the managers and supervisors as they interact with the employees the most. They will learn how to identify when an employee is taking drugs and alcohol and how to test and document the information.

What the course entails

  • The role of the supervisor or manager in making a reasonable suspicion diagnosis.
  • What the supervisors will look at before they initiate a test.
  • The symptoms and signs of a person who is using alcohol.
  • The signs and symptoms of a person using drugs.
  • What the managers and supervisors should do when they feel they should take the reasonable suspicion test.
  • The way to properly document the reasons and suspicion.
  • The way to handle the matter with confidentiality.
  • How to approach the employee who they feel is using drugs and alcohol.
  • How to take the reasonable suspicion test.

The manner of taking the course

The course can be taken both online and offline. You can choose the training method that will be suitable for you and your team. If you have many employees taking the course, they can go to the training facility. This will also ensure that they gain as much knowledge as possible as they will have their trainers with them. They can also ask questions and get the best materials.


If you have a few employees taking the course you may opt for them to take the course online which is very effective. It will save on the budget and also time. They can even do this in the comfort of the office or a designated environment at their own time.

Is reasonable suspicion training required for organizations?

Reasonable suspicion training is very important for organizations. There are those that need it more like transport companies, transit, airlines, pipeline and those that deal with hazardous equipment and materials. If any of the employees of these companies use alcohol and drugs when working it can be very fatal for the customers, company and also themselves. That is why the organization should make sure that all the supervisors should undergo this training, it will save their business and keep them from lawsuits.

When managers, supervisors and other company leaders take this course, they will have the knowledge and know when an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They will also be able to learn the behavior and also the signs and symptoms.

Reasonable suspicion process

Once the supervisors, managers and other company leaders have undergone the training, they will be ready to carry out the reasonable suspicion test. This will be carried out after they have observed keenly and are sure that the particular employee they are suspecting is really using the drugs. Below is a process that should be followed: –


The supervisor should observe the employees keenly and notice if there is any change in behavior, the way they talk, how they present themselves and how they are interacting with others.


Once you have observed and you are highly suspicious you should confirm. Talk to the employee and determine if they are able to talk properly. They may talk too much and not making any sense. The body odor will also be strange and smelling of alcohol. Look in their eyes as it may have blood shots.


After you have observed and confirmed that the employee is using a substance, you should document as you were taught. Make sure to put all the details and time properly. State all you have observed and confirmed such as the behavior, body odors, speech, and appearance.


this is a sensitive issue which will need you to be very calm as you approach and confront the employee. Take them to a place that is secluded and tell them what you have observed. relive them of their duties for the day for safety purposes of other employees, customers, and clients.



The last process will be taking the test. There are different types of tests and it will be determined with what you have observed and the signs and symptoms that the employee is showing. If it is alcohol, you can use a breathalyzer which will show the amount of alcohol and if it is above the required. You will get the results instantly. If it is the drugs, you will have to send the employee to a lab. Then the medical officer will hand over the results when they are complete.

Using alcohol and drugs is on the rise today and it is very common for people to do it even when they are at work which can be very dangerous. Mostly for those who are in the transportation companies or those that deal with sensitive equipment and materials. Organizations are highly advised to have their top management take the reasonable suspicion training. It will be very useful in the long run and they will be assured of safety in the organization. The courses can be found online and at the facility. You can choose the method that suits you more.

The employers should ensure that there are no people who are abusing drugs in an organization. They should let the employees know that there are those that are trained to observe them in case they are using the substance. For more information and insights you can visit certified training solutions for the best services and reasonable fee. You can also download a free reasonable suspicion checklist from their website.

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