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how does life at your institute shape you for what lies ahead ?

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College life ! Well one of the most finest periods of life anyone can cherish . It depends largely on you how you utilize this period for extracting the best out of you . it can either make you or break you . Its all so different because suddenly a person enters into a completely new zone of life where the parameters to sustain are quite different and challenges are a far more than anybody had ever come across . Its high time when you know that you are already into a professional zone , pursuing something professional .

one of the greatest things about the life at college is that the realization which dawns upon an individual regarding his life and the ways of life . discipline is developed as a personality trait while in college , willingly or unwillingly . the schedule followed prepares the individual for a more competitive environment and towards the challenges of the corporate world.

The other aspect of college life is socializing , and a very major aspect in fact . Here a variety of people are what everybody is exposed to and a major life of lesson is learned that how to adjust and live with people around with diverse background and different ideas about life . Later on in life we all are going to work with different people around and if we know the skill to socialize more and jell up with them well, then definitely we would be more preferred and liked people than anybody else .

Not to forget that every picture has two sides of it , so same goes with the life at college if well nurtured and the value of this phase of life is understood then it can turn us into much better people in the future but if by any reason exploited in the wrong way then this could easily be the most difficult phase to go through and the consequences after this would be even more disastrous.

We should try our best to make the best memories in this college life , give something to the institute to be proud about and explore all the field of interest we can during this time , we never know if we discover something new within us which we never had realized about before. Hence staying in an institute has a great influence in our life even during that period as well as the life after it as a professional .

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