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preparation stratgey for competitive exam of your choice

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Best Strategies For Competitive Examination

Competitive exams can seem daunting, but if you employ smart strategies to prepare for the exam, the process can be much more manageable. To prepare for competitive exams, buy or find online test preparation materials for the specific test you are taking, take a diagnostic practice test to see what you need to practice, and then make a timeline and outline of your study plan.

There Are Some Following Competitive Examination –

  • To enroll, you go online and find a website for the course you want to take, enter where you live, and the dates you are interested in taking the class to find a class near you.
  • The Princeton Review course gives 4 practice tests so that you can measure your progress and target your problem areas. Most other test prep courses will offer something similar for you to chart your progress.
  • These classes tend to be expensive but will often include the cost of the study materials that you will be
  • Enroll in a test preparation program online
  • During the preparation for competitive examination student should be take a sound sleep of 8 hours instead of this can marked negative impact on preparation and also create stress on mind
  • Eat complex carbs for brain power. If you are distracted by your hunger during your test or while you study, you won’t be able to focus as well. To combat this, on the day of the test and before you study, eat food high in protein, like eggs, and/or whole grains that will stick with you for several hours, like oatmeal.
  • To help with your mental well being as well as your physical health, try to incorporate about 2 ½ hours of moderately intense (power walking, cycling) exercise into your schedule per week.
  • In order to gear up for taking a competitive test, you should carve out room in your schedule for you to study regularly. Explain to your friends and family that you will be concentrating on preparing for a test. Take whatever steps you need to give yourself the time and space you need to focus regularly on studying.
  • The stress that comes from studying for competitive tests can be overwhelming at times because of the amount thyou have to study. Make sure to combat that stress by concentrating on studying one lesson at a time. Remind yourself that you have to go through this test prep one step at a time, and don’t let yourself worry about mastering the whole test in a short period of time.

When Students Preparing For Competitive Examination They Should Take Some Precautions For Fruitful Result

Remove Distraction During Study –

One way to make the practice of studying more manageable is if you set up a routine of removing all distractions from your study space. Looking at your phone or computer will break your focus and ability to study well.

Study In Different Spaces-

Research is showing that people retain more information if they study in different locations. You will be able to focus better when you change your scenery because it keeps your alert. For example, you can move from one room in your house to another when you find yourself losing momentum.

Fresh Your Mindset When You Bored-

Consider the things you could learn from studying this material, and focus on the positive rather than dwelling on your feelings of boredom. Think about the potential ways you could apply this information to your life or find it useful.

If you persevere with sustained and strategic study habit, building confidence along the way, then you will succeed in your examination. Always prepare for examination with positive mind set in my view candidates follow this mantra “TO NOT GIVE UP,  YOU CAN DO IT”.

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Ranvijay Singh

Apr 03, 2017

Very systematic,very informative well done good job harish

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