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Thailand is a land of trees, grasslands, and wetlands full of lotuses and water lily. The climate in Thailand is tropical and influenced by the Monsoon and the Monsoon. Forests in Thailand are a significant environment and main economic area.


  • As believed earlier, spending time among green spaces and trees reduces the stress of the human being.
  • Tress improves the air quality by filtering the unwanted substances in the air, and also it gives off the oxygen that is necessary to us.
  • It helps to reverse desertification, and also prevents soil erosion.
  • Trees help in cooling our planet and provides shade to make us feel chill and fresh.
  • For many birds and mammals, trees provide food, shelter, and homes.
  • Trees are the lifesaver of many animals.
  • Small insects and underwater animals also depend on trees.
  • Trees protect us alive, but they also trap carbon and fight against the effects of global warming.
  • Trees and plants will boost your property value by up to 20%. This is a return on investment in terms of the small maintenance they need.
  • The planting of trees will reduce coastal flooding.


Thailand is a regional center for the export of furniture and paper in particular. More than 80% of exports of wood and paper to Asia, China, go to Thailand. Out of this 35.5% (6,726,000) forests are listed as primary forestry, the biodiverse and carbon-dense form of the forest 37,1 percent or approximately 18,972,000 half forests. The planting of a forest in Thailand was 3,986,000 hectares. Bamboo, palm, rattan, and many types of ferns are popular, as elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

In Thailand, numerous types of bamboo and ferns, cocoa palms, rattans, banana plants, fruit trees of the tropics, and many floras have been cultivated. In swampy areas on the coast, mangroves flower. The forests of Thailand also include hardwoods like teak and other good wood or resin-producing trees. The nation lost much of its forest land to excessive logging and clear-cutting to make farmland in the last decades of the 20th century.


Some of the plants and their medical uses:

  • Leguminous plant (Fabaceae) seed is traditionally used in condiments, artificial aroma, and hormone making is one of the many vegetable families.
  • Lamiaceae is a renowned African food plant, and it is also used for the treatment of diarrhea, hypoglycemia, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, immune stimulant, and antiviral medicinal products.
  • Malvaceae infusion is diuretic and demulgent; used in fever, chest infections, cooked leaves, and consumed in bleeding piles. Stem Bark is ideal for urinary problems and strangury.
  • Euphorbia hirta is used for female illnesses, respiratory illness (cough, coryza or bronchitis, and asthma), childhood Worm Infestation, and dysentery.
  • Ranunculaceae is used in the treatment of anticancer, cardiotonic, stomachache, ulcer, etc.

Plants in Thailand play a role in maintaining health and boosting the immune system to prevent diseases. Most are classified as dietary supplements and not as medications, but several studies have demonstrated their medicinal use.

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