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Tips To Sleep Well During Exams

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1. Schedule time for sleep

Your body, and especially the mind, needs at least 7 hours of sleep to wake up feeling rested. The only way you can wake up feeling rested is to have a schedule for sleep. If you wish to sleep for 7 hours every day, you’ll then need to determine the exact time you’ll be heading for the bed, and exactly when you have to wake up.  Consider adding at least 30 minutes to allow you to prepare for the day ahead. Take into consideration the time you’d take to have your breakfast and brush your teeth. Be sure to stick to the set times to enable the body to adjust accordingly to the new bedtimes. 

Initially, you will feel that following the schedule will be very difficult thus, you must stay very determined at the early stage. You may need to stay awake for a whole day when your body will keep on telling you that you must sleep. 

2. Pay particular attention to when and what you eat

Late meals aren’t recommended if you wish to get good quality sleep. Having too much to eat, and late into the night will only make it hard to fall asleep. It would, therefore, be advisable to have your supper (a heavy meal) before 7 PM, and only take snacks after that. Consider having foods that promote sleep too. These include milk, turkey, walnuts, and bananas. These foods are known to contain tryptophan a sleep-a compound that promotes sleep. 

Drinking milk before sleeping can help you sleep properly. Similarly, many old people will tell you that you must increase the amount of dry fruit if you want to increase your sleep timing.

3. Avoid caffeinated drinks

Caffeine intake is known to inhibit sleep by keeping the brain stimulated through the day. You might, however, want to avoid coffee, tea, or any other drinks that caffeine after 3 PM. This is because caffeine remains in the bloodstream for at least 6 hours, hence could cause sleeplessness when you need it. 

Tea can be a good remedy for keeping you active but drinking it at night will be very disturbing for your routine. 

4. Associate the bedroom with rest only

Do not use the bedroom as a study area, but only when you need to sleep.  Any last-minute revision should be done in the study area. The same applies to checking emails and the social media. Using the bedroom for sleep alone enables the body to switch to ‘sleep-mode’ whenever you jump on the bed. Be sure to get rid of anything that might distract you from sleep. Make your bedroom a comfortable haven conducive with sleep, the mattress should be comfortable and supportive, check out the best mattress for side sleepers.

Many people tend to have LED’s in their bedrooms. Which can be very tempting when you will be trying to sleep. 

5. Avoid electronic devices while in bed

Most electronic devices (game consoles, tablets, and phones) emit blue light. Blue light is known to prevent the production of melatonin- the hormone required for one to sleep. Avoid using these devices when in the bedroom, and especially if you wish to sleep. Keep your phone in silent mode and upside down too.

Keep your mobile phone ay a distant when you want to sleep early. If you think that it has got the alarm and you must not put it away. Then make sure that it is on silent. 

6. Create a bedtime routine

Have a bedtime routine to help the body start drifting to relaxation mode. This should be done an hour or 30 minutes to bedtime. This can be taking a shower, reading a book, meditating, or even drink a cup of milk. Sleep experts, however, advise against exercising 2 hours to your bedtime. Exercise increases your body’s alert levels making it hard to fall asleep.

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