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NCHM JEE 2017 Eligibility Criteria

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The National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology (NCHMCT) notifies vide the NCHMCT 2017 Examination brochure, the eligibility criteria for NCHM JEE 2017. Candidates aspiring to pursue courses offered by the National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology (NCHMCT) and its affiliated institutes, must fulfil certain conditions in order to be considered eligible for NCHM JEE examination and subsequent admission to its affiliated institutions.

NCHM JEE examination is conducted by the National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology (NCHMCT) to shortlist candidates for admission in B.Sc. Hospitality & Hotel Administration and nine other structured courses.

NCHM JEE examination is expected to be conducted in  April 2017. Eligible candidates can register themselves on the official website of NCHMCT.

NCHM JEE 2017 Eligibility Criteria

  1. Candidates should have passed 10+2 level or equivalent examination in any discipline with English.
  2. Candidate should not be more than 22 years of age as on 01.07.2016, 25 years for candidates belonging to the SC/ST category.
  3. She/he should provide a physical fitness certificate at the time of admission from a Registered Medical Practitioner.
  4. The seats reserved in Central and State government institutes of Hotel Management for SC/ST candidates are 15 percent and 7.5 percent respectively.

NCHM JEE important dates are listed in the table below:


DATES (tentative)

Applications Start Date

December 2016

Last Date of Application

April 2017

Admit Cards to be available online

April 2017


April 2017


May 2017

Counselling and seat allotment

June-July 2017

Session Start Date

July 2017


For more updates and details regarding NCHM JEE 2017, keep visiting

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