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Top 3 Courses After High School Graduation in Science

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School time was the best time, and everyone can relate to the quote, but what are you going to do after completing your high school? Well, this article talks around the topic of career enhancement, and the options available to kickstart one’s career. Particularly when you are anxious to determine the courses after high school graduation in science!

There were not many options about five years ago, but today there are 1000’s of them. In this article, we will be looking into the top-notch courses available specifically for high school graduates with specialization in Science and are looking to kick-start their career on a positive note. Thus the students can choose the right courses and programs for them.

Selecting a course to make your career after high school graduation can be confusing. Especially if you studied science in your High school.

There are tons of courses, and each one takes you to a different path.

Here is the list of science courses which are most popular and beneficial –

Bachelor of Engineering (B.Tech)

B.Tech is the most chosen career option as it sets you up on a straight path for the upcoming years.

The course duration is four years, and if you’ve been scoring good grades in your high school, you can easily end up in a top college like IIT or NIT. It may seem that there is a lot of competition for jobs for an engineer, but people still choose this course as it certain at least a 3.5lpa in mass recruiting company like Wipro, TCS, etc. This course also provides other flexibility like you can choose to do M.Tech or MBA afterward.

Top 3 Courses After High School Graduation B.Tech, B.Arch, LLB

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch)

B.Arch course was not the most popular, but certainly, most students are starting to choose it because of new jobs openings in good companies. This course is all about designing, planning and structuring a building, offices, etc.

B.Arch is a 4-year course and opens up many options going further. You can choose to take the job or do freelancing. You can even start your own Architecture business and grow from there. Further studies option can be Masters in the same course.

Bachelor of Law (LLB)

If you like debating and figuring out right or wrong, this might be for you. LLB course is 5-year long and sets you up for becoming a lawyer.

A lawyer has a great reputation in society, and you can apply for a government job which provides various amenities. After gaining enough experience and studies, you can even become a judge in the court of law which is a very high position.

That’s it from us on the part of top 3 courses that can be taken up by a high school graduate with science stream.

Courses options for High School Science Graduates

Note The courses suggested are not sponsored by any of the company/institution providing the same, and we recommend you to do thorough research before joining an institution.

The courses listed are based on reviews and listings provided by people and publications across the globe on both offline and online community.

Final Words Thank you for reading the article, and let us know via comments section if we have missed out on listing any of your favorite course or your favorite course is already here and you’d want to recommend the best institute to take up the course for a High School graduate in Science.

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