Dronacharya IAS Academy (3/5)

Dronacharya IAS academy offers a training-cum-guidance program which covers all the stages of IAS exam. The ultimate aim of the institute is to impart proper knowledge to the students preparing for the examination. The faculty aims at not only teaching students to prepare for the syllabus of IAS, but it also trains them to conquer other obstacles of life too. At Dronacharya they believe that UPSC studies is not a mere study of books, but it is about whole personality development. They help their students to emerge as a versatile personality. Their students develop correct perspective towards life as they are guided by eminent faculty and distinguished counsellors. This helps them to face UPSC exam with a healthy frame of mind and fearlessly. Their team at Dronacharya welcomes future students wholeheartedly and hopes to give them the best guidance for the prestigious exam of UPSC.


Apart from teaching the prescribed syllabus, this institute also focuses on leadership development, mind-power development, ethics and social responsibility.

Keeping in mind the significant modifications that the IAS examination has gone through, this academy provides comprehensive training as well.

The institute offers a scholarship program to encourage financially weak and socially backward students.

The academy has qualified and trained faculty that comes from most prestigious universities and institutes.

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