Pathfinder Defence Academy (2/7)

[eg_description]Pathfinder Defence Academy is an institute which aims to brings a stronger nation through defence services. The institute has attained a unique distinction and reputable stature amongst the NDA coaching institutes in Lucknow. Pathfinder Academy offers elementary and foundation courses to the NDA aspirants. Their training programs are backed by a disciplined environment and ace instructors. The NDA institute not only ensures a timely coverage of syllabus but also provides weekly and monthly mocks. The training methodology of Pathfinders Defence academy incorporates different learning approach actualities and illustrations. This enables the NDA aspirants to learn and understand more. Their high quality of professional training makes them a predominant NDA coaching institute of Lucknow. Pathfinders Academy also covers other defence exams like CDS, SSB, Air force, etc. The place is a pit-stop for NDA aspirants in Lucknow to boost up their preparation.[eg_feature1]Unmatched infrastructure supported by modern technological aids.[eg_feature2]Dedicated and experienced faculty for every subject.[eg_feature3]Wide range of relevant books and study material.[eg_feature4]Doubt classes for weak students.[eg_feature5]Exhaustive collection of tests.[eg_feature6]Personality development and spoken English classes.[eg_email][eg_website][eg_contactNo][eg_address][eg_addressEnd]

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