ACE Engineering Academy

ACE Engineering Academy is a popular name to reckon in the field of GATE coaching institutes in Kolkata. Since its inception, the primary effort of the team has been to provide the best quality education and make the academy reach the zenith. It has grown leaps and bounds since then and has become an abode for the GATE aspirants. ACE Academy draws students from all corners of the country, trains them, prepares them and helps them cross the milestone of their career i.e. the GATE. ACE Academy has produced 43 GATE toppers and many other top rankers over the years. And it strives to continue its legacy of great results.
Experienced and learned faculty members.
Relevant study material and question bank.
Competitive exam techniques.
Effective coverage of syllabus.
Regular evaluation and periodic tests.
Guidance for interviews and M.Tech counseling.

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