Education is one of the most profound and fortunate experiences that an individual can ever hope to have. Parents often tell their children how lucky they are to be able to go to school. They compare them with the less …
The accessibility of technologies has changed our lives drastically, but the area that has undergone the most visible changes is, beyond question, education. Higher education today, in particular, provides limitless options to youngsters for their self-education and independent professional development. …
With tech advent, the industry that was once deemed traditional has now become different. It has started relying on modern technology for not just simplifying the monotonous processes but for imparting knowledge as well. What once used to be equal …
They say education is the key to success and there is little doubt about it. Through education, many people have achieved their life goals. In fact, each and every day we learn something new in our lives. The role of …
Finances and Education Abroad One thing that fears all potential international students is, finance. The way that colossal measure of cash is engaged in all parts of admissions abroad, be it educational cost fee, living or travel is bewildering for …
Technology is playing an active role in a number of ways and its contribution to the educational domain is worth mentioning. The technological innovations have already swiped through classroom learning to help learners enhance their level of understanding with practical …
The Problem of Concentration It is a fact that college and university degree programs contain ample students who struggle with the prospect of concentrating in the class. This case only worsens in tedious and challenging courses requiring a conceptual and …
Dubai, Nov 27, 2017: A two-day annual Summit at Dubai brought together pre-eminent global leaders across higher education, research, industry, and government to share best practices and innovation in the development of education. As the former banker turned educationist …
To encourage and recognize the achievements of colleges, Robochamps India in collaboration with AM foundation and EduGorilla announced Indian School awards at a glittering function in Chandigarh on 10th November 2017. Technocrat Rohit Manglik, CEO, EduGorilla, who was invited as …
I’ve asked many children how they feel when Mama-Papa ask them to study. And the majority of them supplied answers like – ‘’I feel as if they’re pointing the barrel of a gun at my head!’’ This single statement is …
Life throws a lot of choices at us, and we as people are defined by the way that we react to them. Some of those decisions are unimportant, such as which route to take to work or whether to have …
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