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5 Business Languages You Must Learn Before Your Go Earning

Despite the fact that it opens a lot of avenues for learning and gaining knowledge, along with huge amount of fun and self-dependency, learning a foreign language has many perks of it own. Just imagine adding it to our resume, gaining points during your interview and finally being the one to go on foreign trips, knowing another language can put in a lot of things in your kitty.
Learning a new language is not that difficult, but learning the right one is definitely important. Let us now understand which language to chose and why so that avenues and opportunities are wide open.

#1- Mandarin

Spoken by around 15% population of the world, Mandarin the official language of China is one of the most spoken languages of the world after English. With the growth and advancement of china, the need for this language is only riisng. Even though it’s a highly difficult language o learn, Mandarin still does not go out requirement and fashion!

#2- Spanish

Relatively easier to learn than Mandarin or Arabic, this language can cover all your dreams of making it big in Latin America. Second most spoken language after Mandarin, it is a good choice for the ones working in the garment industry.

#3- Arabic

If you are looking to find a join the middle east or wishing to relocate to one of these rich countries, then having a knowledge of Arabic is a must. If you are in business like oil and coal, hospitality and construction and established on an international level then know how of Arabic is important since a lot of business relations depend on your working knowledge of it.

#4- German

Many call it the dead language because of the end of the German Empire after World War II, but it is only stupid to not accept that it is indeed alive and very much important.Germany is the largest economy in the European Union and leader in automobile industry, so the car mad people, you gotta learn this language for sure.

#5- French

Losing its number one spot as one of the most important languages to know, it still manages to retain itself in the top 5. Fairly easy for the English speaking people to learn, it still holds much relevance if you are in tourism and hospitality industry.

Well, now that you the relevance of each language according to your prospective career choice, go ahead and learn!

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Arushi Tyagi :Pursuing BBA from Sri Sri University, I am a person for whom the nation comes first. With a firm belief in self, I am determined to reach any heights that I dream of.