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5 Everyday Things Made Possible by Algebra

If you think that algebra is pointless, then think again. The equations that gave you a hard time as a teenager are not only for future scientists or engineers, and the truth of the matter is, we experience algebra every day. It has made a ton of things possible. And it continues to do up to now, while you’re reading this article. From the moment you picked up your tablet or powered up your PC, you have to thank algebra.

Yes, you read it right. The hardware and operating system that powers your devices are a series of systems of linear equations made available today because of algebra. Other than this example, here are some of the things we enjoy today with the help of algebraic expressions.

The food on your table

The agricultural industry relies heavily on linear equations to make their production more efficient and make sure we have enough goods. This includes the estimates farmers do to know what crops to cultivate and determine what production volume is enough. Also, linear equations help agriculturists project their earnings more accurately.

Algebra has something to do with your diet and nutrition too. Through equations, you are made aware of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of certain nutrients so that you can live a healthier lifestyle.

Transportation management

Modern transportation structures base their operations on sets of linear programs. Passenger volume, schedules, travel time, demand and vehicle efficiency are some of the determinants they use so that they can come up with reasonable fare charges. This formula is the same across all modes of transportation.

Search engines

Internet technology is helpful in today’s world in several ways. Anyone that has access to a smartphone, tablet, or PC can receive information in an instant. Just input a keyword for the information you want in the search field, and you’ll be given related content in just a matter of a few seconds.

Also, modern conveniences such as navigation maps, news on demand, social media, and real-time content from all the world can be attributed to the application of algebra.

Enhanced manufacturing processes

With the rising demand for different consumer goods and products, companies all over the world have no other choice but to keep up. Faster, more efficient and productive processes will not be attainable without factoring in linear equations to the system. Machinery, equipment, and plant facilities wouldn’t run an automated process unless they were programmed with a language based on mathematical equations.

Graphics innovation

The improved affects you get to enjoy in movies can also be attributed to the analytical capabilities of linear algebra.

Three-dimensional projections, model scaling, and projection are all necessary for rendering great graphics. Video games, ultrasound, and computer-assisted drawings (CAD) for building plans also benefit because of linear equations.

These are just some of the real-life applications of algebra, and you may not know about them yet. There are also innovations in medical technology, security and some other applications, and the list goes on. So, just in case someone asks you how vital algebra is, tell them that it is essential to everyday things.

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