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5 Tips For A Healthy Study Plan

Soon the season of all the competitive exams is ging to start be it UPSC or CAT or JEE and every student has this question on how to remain sane during these exams? Exams can be really stressful times and to deal with them in a healthy and efficient manner, comming out successful and alive is a big thing!
Now not strethching things much, let’s focus on how can you be healthy and still give  more time for your studies in a productive and efficient manner.

1- Eat Healthy

During exams, majority of the enrgy goes in brainstorming and for your brain to think you need the right kind of food. It may sound a little difficult, but yes stay away from all the spices and fried food since they are concentration takers. Make sure for these little times, or at least 2 meals of your days are very light food like fruits, lot’s of water, roughage, khichdi, milk etc.
Start your moringin with some green tea, a good breakfast including fruits, lunch which is in moderation with proper amount of roughage and carbohydrate and dinner extremely light.

2- Sleep Early, Rise Early

Understand that 11 pm to 3 am in the morning your bowel movements are extremely slow and this si the time hen your body get’s repaired. So don’t burn the midnight lamp at the cost of your health. Sleep by 11pm or 11:30 maximum and wake up early. Start your day with some yoga or light exercise, go for a walk and then sit for studying.

3- Exercise

Yoga, surya namaskar or a slight walk can do wonders early in morning. Before you go and sit for studying, do them since they increase the flow of blood in your body abeling the supply of oxygen to your brain.

4- Take Free Time

You are entiteled for a free time of about an hour every day. Take nap, watch TV, eat something, go out and play or do anything which makes you feel fresh and not tired. During this time do not operate you phone or laptop.

5- Study Quality not Quantity

People often think the more they study, the more they understand. Its not about time, it is about the quality of that you give to your studies. So if are not comfertable with 5 hrs to a lesson or 2 hours to it, its OKAY! Understand this thing that it is your brain and it is upto you how you study.

Well, now keep these points in mind and set of to a healthy study plan. Next time we shall know how to make a mind map and reduce the effort that goes on making “Notes”!!

Best of luck!

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Arushi Tyagi :Pursuing BBA from Sri Sri University, I am a person for whom the nation comes first. With a firm belief in self, I am determined to reach any heights that I dream of.