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A guide to DevOps CI/CD tools

Since its introduction, DevOps has made the processes of development, operations and delivery more efficient. It has also played a vital role in bridging the gap between the teams involved in the software development cycle. We all are well aware of the complexity of the DevOps and its components. Each of the DevOps components are crucial to software development lifecycle. DevOps components are essential for the DevOps practices to work the right way to get the desired outcome.

Some of the commonly known components of DevOps are Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), and Continuous Distribution (CD) which helps accelerate the software development process and quick delivery to the customers.

Among the other available DevOps components, Continuous integration and Continuous delivery component is one of the finest DevOps practices for the development and operation team to make code changes more frequent and reliable. There are several tools available which offer the primary focus on the components and great emphasis on the DevOps practices involved in the Development Cycle.

Here’s our helpful guide to DevOps CI/CD tools with their functionality.

DevOps CI/CD Tools


Continuous integration in DevOps play an important role for developers in speeding up the process of software development cycle. Zuul is one of the popular and widely used CI/CD tools. Zuul was designed by OpenStack Foundation as an open-source software tool. In Zuul, you will have a wide array of testing configurations and settings which you can use according to the need. Furthermore, Zuul has been upgraded to a standalone tool for project management.

Zuul supports platforms like GitHub Enterprise, Gerrit, and Github development platform. Additionally, Zuul has access to nodes and to a number of various other management infrastructures like OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Openshift.

Over the years, Zuul excellent functionality and uses for CI/CD process but not limited to this only, have successfully won the top users like OpenStack, BMW and more.

Jenkins Tool

With 1400 plugins, Jenkins is another good choice for a DevOps CI/CD tool. It’s an open-source tool which over the years has upgraded to software automation. As it supports automation for the continuous integration process in DevOps, it’s a great tool which shortens development time, quicken the delivery work and save money. Furthermore, Jenkins reports are very effective in filtering out the error messages which in turn modify and improve the code.

Jenkins is also available to be used for various operating systems and on various cloud platforms. With hundreds of extensions, Jenkins offers delivery and build pipelines. Jenkins not only supports the automation of the development process for software projects with building and timely distribution of the software project.

The key feature which made this tool to stand out among the other available DevOps tools for Continuous integration and continuous delivery are:

The free open-source tool is easy to install, use and upgrade

It can be used on various operating systems like MacOS, Windows and other operating systems like Unix

It offer flexible environment configuration

It is easy to use that comes with user-friendly interface

Supports commands of Windows and Shell. Commands are easily executable in the pre-build steps

GitLab CI Tool

Integrated into the GitLab, GitLab CI is a continuous tool. GitLab CI largely supports several language and multiplatform layout. Languages like Php, C, Jave, and Ruby are all supported by GitLab CI for scripting purpose. As GitLab CI builds are based on the Go language, it can be easily used in various operating systems like Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and more.

GitLab CI tool integrated with continuous integration and continuous deployment helps developers to keep track of the monitoring progress, build pipelines and then move to the successful deployment after going through thorough testing and bug fixes.

CircleCI Tool

As most of you already know, Continuous Integration in DevOps is a crucial process that helps the individual teams involved in the software development cycle to work on the same master code by merging the different codes so that continuous work is performed without hindering any process. Therefore, having a tool which helps in fast development, CircleCI is the option.

The main goal of any organization is to deliver the product to the market in a short time so that it can reach its customers much faster, Circle CI tool is the best tool to reach that goal. Circle CI tool is hosted exclusively on GitHub. Languages like Java, Node,js, Haskell, Python, Ruby are supported by Circle CI. CircleCI offers a single free container on which you can easily build any number of projects. Docker platform is also supported by Circle CI tool. CircleCI offers the option for hosting on a cloud server or native server. In addition to this, the tools come with the option to easily choose the operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Moreover, multiple configuration options in the CircleCI gives the freedom to organize tasks from test to distribution. Some of the key features of CircleCI would be:

Fast testing

Easy debugging process

Easily customization

IM notification option with personalized emails

Quick setup, continuous deployment, and automated merging


TeamCity is CI or continuous integration tool that helps to build and distribute various types of projects. It is a continuous integration and build management of JetBrains server. The TeamCity tool can be easily installed on servers like Windows and Linux servers. Bitbucket and GitLab server pull requests are also supported by TeamCity.

With TeamCity, you can easily reuse settings and configurations of the main as well as the subprojects. TeamCity allows you to run builds in different environments. Furthermore, the continuous integration server is always active in this tool. It offers flexible management to users, role management, and also provides different methods of authentication.

Reducing the likelihood of errors in the software development cycle is crucial and an important need of any organization. This where the concept of automation and script execution is considered as the best option. Continuous integration, continuous delivery with quick and continuous deployment are the key to ensure the reliability of the DevOps process. Plethora of CI/CD tools are available online which can definitely enhance the DevOps practices and process.

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Shahbaz Ahmed :I am Guest Post writer.I publish articles on different websites and share my knowledge with the world.