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Best Tips To Follow Up After A Job Interview

Congratulations on performing well in your interview. If you are probably wondering what to do now, you are at the right place. Even if you are about to sit for an interview and you are here, let me wish you luck and elaborate on some of the little points we usually ignore.

Actually, we all know that “Answering the questions” is the most important and hard part. But the interview is a like a stage where you have to perform and there are points on a variety of other factors, i.e. your presentation, your approach, following up after the interview, etc. So let me give you a brief timeline wise approach on how to follow up after an interview.

1) Just after the interview:

Usually, an interviewer asks you if you have any questions or not. Always remember keeping quiet will give the interviewer a negative vibe that you are uninterested/incurious.

So always ask questions but to the point. Another Social Hack is going for a tight and firm handshake. This shows your confidence. Usually, a hiring timeline will be provided. If not ask for it. Also, ask for the interviewer’s business card and permission to approach him via LinkedIn/email. Usually, you will figure out the nature of your interviewer. If he is friendly enough, then it is okay to approach him. If he is not, you should probably limit your approach. It is better not to be considered creepy.

2) Just after 24 hours:

Do send a brief thank-you email restricting to the following points:

  1. Thank the interviewer for his/her time and restate your interest in the role offered.
  2. Give a review of your strengths and explain why you are the best fit for the role offered.
  3. If you want to provide any clarifications regarding any questions asked in the interview, do that. Always try to provide that personal touch which will help you to stand out from the crowd.
  4. Double check the letter for negativities, spelling and grammatical error, use of informal language and cheesy phrases. Also check the interviewer name, his title, and the email address.

The ‘thank you’ email confirms your enthusiasm and leaves a mark on the interviewer’s mind. If you got referred by somebody, also send him/her an email showing your gratitude. This will ensure a good relation that will have future prospects.

Evaluate your performance in the interview while it is still fresh in your mind. List out the pros and cons and the questions they asked, stressing more on the questions you stumbled upon. It will be helpful for your future preparation and you can also contribute to the society by sharing your experience with aspiring candidates. (Some firms sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. So keep that in mind too)

3) Some Dos and Don’ts:

  1. Do not send a friend request to your interviewer on facebook. There is a boundary you should not cross.
  2. Do connect him on LinkedIn.
  3. Do follow him and his fellow employees. Find out about the cool projects they are working on. The technologies they are using. In the process, develop queries that you think is legit. If your interviewer is approachable, connect with him and discuss your doubts. Make it interesting and short. Share articles with mutual interest. Maybe thank him/her for an advice that helped you.
  4. Do not overdo it. Don’t ask for anything back. If you are polite and not annoying, your interviewer will remember you. It is not about harassment. It is about adding some value to your contact so that he/she keeps in mind that you are still out there.
  5. Keep on learning and Address the needs of the company. Don’t be just an applicant. Put yourself in the shoes of a consultant.

4) After the date indicated by the HR:

Usually, you will be given an idea about the date before which the company plans to take the decision regarding the hiring process. Respect that. Do not follow up before the stipulated date.

If you haven’t heard from the company until that time, a follow-up mail is reasonable. It should be brief and friendly. It is true that you don’t want to look desperate. But if you do it right, you won’t seem like it. In fact we all know that you want the job. So do it in this fashion:

“Hi Sir/Madam,

Hope you are doing fine. I interviewed with you on ‘XXX date for the XXX position.

I thought about following up with you since you mentioned that you might have a decision by the end of the month. I just wanted to see where you are in that process. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.”

Do not nag and ever write messages like this: “Have you made a decision yet?” “Do you still have a job for me?” etc.

There are 3 possibilities that can happen now:

  1. You got the job.
  2. You didn’t get the job.
  3. You didn’t get a reply.

You got the job

Congrats my friend!! You can chill now. It is time to party. But you may still cover the rest of the article here for future references.

You didn’t get the job

  • It is all right. The world is full of opportunities. So buckle up my friend. Don’t be disappointed or angry. Take it as an experience.
  • Do not forget to send a follow-up letter to the interviewer thanking him for his time and giving you the opportunity to interview with him. Tell him you learned a lot in the process. Keep him in your contact and interact occasionally.
  • This should be done because “Networking should never stop”. You never know when and where your connections will be useful. This will put you in the positive light and will pave your way if there are future openings in the company.
  • The key is to remain to be enthusiastic and fruitful, not be pushy and nuisance.

You didn’t get a reply

  • Don’t make unnecessarily assumptions. The hiring process can be a bit complex.
  • But even if you don’t hear anything from them in a week, tastefully communicate with another follow up later.
  • If you have any influential contact, this is the time to ask for a favor to know the status of your application
  • Even after 2 follow up letters, there is no reply, it is time to move on buddy.
  • Don’t harass the company by bombarding with letters.

But you know the world is a crazy place. So keep hope while you keep looking for other opportunities. Lastly Best of Luck!! And always keep this mantra in your pocket:

“Intelligence will help you in becoming successful.

But hard work and luck will make you successful.

x=hard work



Hence, success is any point on the curve

(x/i1) + (y/i2) = 1; [i1 & i2 are intelligent factors]

For some people, x factor is required in a larger proportion than the y factor and for some other lucky lads, it’s the way round, y is not in your control, x is. Work hard, keep hustling, and don’t be content in life.

Challenge yourself at every step. Success will be your bitch.”

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Sohail Hussain :My name is Sohail and I love writing.