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Compare and Contrast Essay: Best Interesting Topics

College and high school professors often give their students some freedom in home assignments in order to make them use their creativity. For example, you may be asked to choose what to write about in your essay yourself. Sounds good, but when it comes to reality, some students face difficulties.

How to find a good topic, which would be both narrow enough, as it’s required for any piece of writing, and pretty wide to give you access to quality material? Actually, it’s not hard. If you need to compare and contrast some things in your essay, you should start with realizing which things you are familiar with. Once you decide on the topic and key points you’re going to discuss, writing will come easier.

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay?

When writing a compare and contrast essay, you should dig deep. Stating obvious facts is not enough to earn a high grade; you need to research the opposing things and point out their features. For example, if your topic is “Electric cars vs. gas cars”, you must study the strong and weak sides of each car type. But that’s not all. It needs to be a real comparison rather than a pure description. Besides, the comparison should be based on facts, but you are welcome to give your own analysis and personal criticism. Check out the 8 components of a successful college essay.

A good compare and contrast essay tells the reader what they haven’t known before and reveals the subject for them in the light they haven’t thought about before. Apart from choosing the topic, it’s important to write a thesis correctly. Remember that it’s all about being clear and giving details. Step away from generalized statements, which only tell the reader that two people, things, or concepts have some differences and some similarities. Begin with stating a certain strong or weak side and dwell upon it.

Three Basic Tips to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay:

Understand what you should do – compare or contrast? Or maybe both?

There are different subtypes of this type of assignment – you can be asked to find out the similarities of two items, contradict them, or find all features and compare them.

Compare and contrast only the features that matter.

Thinking of the aspects to write about, pick only those that are essential to identify the topic.

Keep in mind the structure.

When you start organizing your writing, keep in mind the two methods to do it: devote a section to one subject and then to another one or describe each feature of the subjects one by one, thus creating a parallel structure.

Choosing a Topic

An interesting idea is a key to success in any writing. When thinking of a possible topic for your compare and contrast essay, you may distinguish several categories to organize the potential ideas:

  • History
  • Religion
  • People
  • Politics
  • Education
  • Literature
  • Technology

These subjects have a great potential for discussion. You won’t have problems comparing two influential people or two different religions and find contrasting features between them. Some topics require more of the analysis of facts, while others are more abstract and involve sharing personal opinions. Anyway, make sure you select something that will make the process of writing easy and fun for you.

The best topics would be the ones that present the very opposites, like Adolf Hitler and Mother Teresa. Two completely different people! But they both influenced the world a lot, so there’s enough about them to discuss. However, you can go for something less controversial, like discussing a female friend and a male friend, Facebook and Twitter, introverts and extroverts, outer beauty and inner beauty, life in the 20th century and life today. Read Why NOT to Pay for College Essay and Paper Samples.

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Nicole Clark :Nicole Clark is a talented freelance author of works for famous media and educational blogs. She is interested in studying education topics, and also she likes to help students with their essays and papers. If you want to read more her stories feel free to visit her own blog on Blablawriting and enjoy her works!