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7 interview tips for human resource positions

When it comes to human resource, there are hundreds of things that you need to do. But the most important task is to find the right kind of candidates and make them go through the selection process. Unless you hire the right employees, you can never push your organization to grow the way it should. Growth is possible only when you dedicate yourself in its progress. The only way to do so, being an HR person, is by hiring the right brains for your organization. These practical interview tips for HR position can make your hiring strategy easier.

Interview tips for HR position

Make a list of all the things you need to do during the time of interview so that the best individuals fill the vacant positions in your company. Interview the recruited candidates according to the job description you have prepared. Best brains can be hired by focusing on the interviewing process. Once the interviewing process is hosted nicely, there is no problem in running the organization and expecting it to reach the level you imagine.

Here are the top interview tips for HR(human resource) position.

  • Dress smartly

Dress smartly to look like a professional

As an HR individual, you may expect the candidates to dress up formally and good enough to impress you. Though there may be varied opinions on exterior beauty and appearance of a person, your dressing sense should be decent enough to pass a message of professionalism out of you.

  • Focus on your body language as well as body language of the candidates

Focus on body language

You have to look at all the candidates that enter into your cabin for the interview session. No doubt some of them are well-dressed and possess amazing qualities and skills (as mentioned on their resumes), you can’t trust them unless you check their body language. Keep an eye on how they talk, whether they are maintaining the eye-contact in a proper way or not and other such minor details so that you can guess about their personality. You have to take care of your body language too; it should be comfortable, yet assertive to get the best answers from people sitting in front of you.

  • Keep the questions simple, yet tricky

Simple questions yet tricky

What kind of questions are you planning to put in front of the people you are going to interview in the coming time? The questions need not be complicated, but yes – if you want to check the skills of the individuals who have come for the interview, you need to make the questions tricky enough for them. Anybody can answer ‘tell me about yourself’ or ‘why do you want to get this job’, but tricky questions are not the ones that are expected by candidates. Thus, in order to check their spontaneity, don’t forget to jot down questions that seem simple, but are tricky.

  • Ask the salary expectation

Discuss the salary expectation

Most of the human resource individuals avoid asking this question at the interview and we don’t understand why – this is the best question to learn about why you should hire the candidate you are interviewing and what are his expectations from your company. No matter how skilled the candidate is, if your company can’t meet his salary expectations, he would either not join your office or simply won’t be determined by his job. It is always good to hire someone who can be paid a deserving amount for his skills and qualities.

  • Confuse the candidates to know their problem-solving skills

Analyse the problem-solving skills

There are ways in which you can confuse the candidates during the interview so that they can be scrutinized in the correct way for the position you are hiring. Some positions in the organization require certain skills that can’t be ignored. Thus, you have to learn about the candidates before you hire them; you have to find out if they possess what you are looking for or what the company demands from them. Draft questions that can confuse them or force them to think long enough before they answer you. The quicker and wiser they are in answering the confusing questions you put in front of them, the easier it is for them to get selected by you.

  • Don’t scare them; that’s not your intention

Don’t scare the candidates

Sometimes you may plan on scaring the candidates. Remember, even the most confident candidates leave the cabin abruptly because they are not comfortable with few questions. Prepare questions that the candidates would be comfortable in answering. Make sure you don’t scare them away in any way at all or you may lose someone who can be truly beneficial for your organization. Keep the tone of your voice simple. Motivate the candidates to speak more to know more about them.

  • Check the attitude

Check the attitude

Attitude is not something that you have to carry on your sleeves; it is something that you need to carry on your shoulders. Expect The right kind of attitude from all those coming for an interview session with you. Unless you check the attitude of the individual you are taking the interview of, don’t depend upon anything that they say. You need someone with a promising attitude towards the progress of your company. Go for an individual who would do anything to keep the respect of your organization, maintained.

While interviewing the candidates, make sure you place yourself in their shoes as well. Unless you learn about what they are expecting from you, it is impossible for you to give them what they want.

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