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Top 5 myths every student has heard about scholarships

For most of you, scholarship seems to be something unachievable. You even don’t give a try to apply for a scholarship and are ready to pay each penny to get a higher education. At the same time, some of you are sure that you will easily get the desired scholarship, as you are A-grade students, sportsmen or participants of international competitions. One of the biggest scholarship myths is that your achievements are not always the indicator for the commission board. Frequently, the situations happen when a scholarship is given to a student that achieved almost nothing in high school. How does that happen?

There are various myths about college scholarship, and you should not trust all of them. It’s easy to get misled and lose your chance to study for free. Not to get into an unpleasant situation, when you could have won a scholarship but were afraid to apply for it, you should know 5 common myths. We will dispel best 5 scholarship myths every student heard in this article, so you’ll be able to make a well-informative decision prior to paying for studying.

Scholarship Myths

Scholarship is only available for high school students

Do you really think that you have only one chance in a whole life to get a scholarship? It does not matter whether you are a high school student or you have already got a bachelor degree, you can apply for a scholarship.

As you probably know, there are different types of scholarships, and not all of them have age restrictions. You can easily find hundreds of options for full-time employees, for masters and bachelors, and for current students as well.

Also, remember that there is a huge variety of international scholarship programs, and you are to check them as well.

Applying for a scholarship takes too much time

When it comes to the application for a scholarship, it never comes easy. However, it’s not so difficult as any student think. You should fill in the application form and attach a scholarship essay.

The essay is the thing that may seem to be a little bit tough. But if you follow tips for writing a college essay you will create an effective application letter just in a few hours.These efforts really deserve to be applied, as they will bring you more benefits that you’ve expected.

You need to apply for big scholarships only

Many students ignore the possibility to apply for a small scholarship looking for something really huge, like $10,000 and more. These scholarship programs are the most popular ones, and the competition here is extreme. Applying for big scholarships only, you lose a chance to win a smaller scholarship.

Smaller scholarships are not so popular among the students, so it will be easier for you to get them.

You do not need financial assistance

The biggest concern of many students is that their families have too high annual income. It means that the students do not fall under the conditions of getting a scholarship. However, in most cases, students do not know all the peculiarities of getting financial aid in studying.

For example, the income of your parents will be divided into the number of members in your family. It means that if you have brothers and sisters, you have more chances to get a scholarship than a person who comes from the family that has the same annual income but only one kid.

In general, the income of your parents does not matter so much when it comes to the scholarship. Frequently happens that even kids from wealthy families get scholarships. They just don’t give up and do everything possible to impress the commission board not with their money but with personal qualities and knowledge.

Only A-grade students and sportsmen get a scholarship

You will be surprised to know that even if you are not a straight A-student, have no achievements in sports, and have never participated in regional competitions, you still have all chances to get a scholarship. Here’s the main trick is to find a program that suits your strengths and where you can show what you’re capable of.

We are sure you will be able to get a clear view on those prevalent scholarship myths by now. The scholarship is a great way to get a higher education and save some money, so don’t miss your chance. Start to work on your scholarship application letter, find the most appropriate programs for you, and remember that the only way to get a scholarship is to impress the commission board.

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Christina Battons :Blogger and freelance writer from sigmaessays, who is interested in topics about education, writing, blogging. I also like to share knowledge with people. Currently, I write for various blogs.