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How to Scale the Cloud in Cloud Computing

Cloud is a platform that is used for cloud computing. It is the delivery of computing services that starts from online applications to databases. All of those work over the internet and on the basis of pay as you go. There are cloud service providers, they provide all the services you need for your organization. They have self services as well. You just tell them about the work you want to do and they will recommend all the services you need for that. There are new services added every now and then to make sure your work is done easily. This is a very cost effective way because in this you do not need any hardware or infrastructure you just need to pay a reasonable price for the services and everything else is on the service provider. They take care of maintenance and security of your data. There are different types of clouds available like public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud. A public cloud, as the name implies is a cloud that everyone can use. It is made public by providers by Amazon, Goggle, Microsoft or IBM.

A public cloud lets consumers share basic storage bandwidth. It is the one that has a security issues due to its availability to everyone. Whereas a private cloud is allocated to a single consumer. It is mostly used by organization. In this the consumer gets access to how many services he wants. It is a very good cloud due to its security. Being a private cloud it is accessible to only authorized persons that itself makes it more secure than a public cloud. The only drawback would be its cost. On the other hand a hybrid cloud is the one that can be used as both public and private cloud as it has the option to switch. It has to offer the advantage of both clouds. It is more flexible than other two but a little more costly.

Scaling the Cloud

Organizations nowadays are choosing cloud services because of the facilities available in it. It is actually better than having that set up at your place. The benefits that are offered by cloud environment is cost efficiency, choice, integration and speed but the prominent one is the scaling that makes sure your cloud have flexibility and elasticity.

The ability of a cloud to increase or decrease the storage capacity according to the requirement is called scalability. It used to be very costly back then when there used to be databases built on-premise. It used to be a process very slow and costly because new hardware was required and modification in software was also a necessity. It has become very easy for organizations to do business because of auto scalability. It adjusts itself when fewer resources are required or it needs to extend the resources. Although scaling problems have almost been simplified by cloud but it is still a challenge even in a cloud environment we need to keep in mind the fact that when scaling, everything from computer resources to storage resources need to be scaled. Any matte of non synchronization can cause to system to go down.

There are three types of scaling techniques available that are vertical scaling, horizontal scaling and diagonal scaling. Everything about scaling a cloud can be understood in a better way by taking cloud institute’s cloud computing training online. All three techniques of scaling are discussed below.

  • Vertical Scaling
  • It is an easy scaling technique as it can be done by just putting your data or application to a cloud bigger and better than the existing one with more storage and other things. We can also add some more hardware like CPU, hard drive to make room for more storage and more storage means more applications and data. Usually, servers are replaced to adjust the storage.  Cloud service providers like Amazon web services and Azure offer different sizes of instances. In data centers, more powerful servers can be bought to replace the old ones.
  • Horizontal Scaling
  • In horizontal scaling if workload exceeds, new additional nodes of servers are added and load is divided among all servers. It works like vertical scaling if we talk about performance. In this scaling technique we focus on staying to the existing cloud and keeps adding new servers to make sure the performance does not get affected. It is a better technique of scaling than vertical one because it has no down time and you just add servers without stopping the existing ones.
  • Diagonal Scaling
  • In diagonal scaling we get the option of both scaling up and scaling down that means we can expand resources and at the same time we can also remove resources if not needed. Diagonal scaling is a more flexible way of scaling. We can take an example of a website here. A website is set to diagonal scaling so if there is more traffic on the website, resources will be expanded to accommodate that and if there is less traffic on website, resources will be cut short according to the requirements.

There are three ways to do the scaling on a cloud. Manually, scheduled and Automatic.


Manual scaling is done by the help of an engineer. He is available there every time to scale the cloud. Every time it is needed to scale up or down or anything, he does that manually. It is not an error free method by the way because minute to minute monitoring is not possible in it. This method is used in vertical, horizontal and diagonal all three types.


It is a far better way than manual method as there is lesser chance of error because of less amount of human involvement. It works according to the demand curve. You make a schedule according to the needs a different time slots and it keeps scaling the resources up and down.


Automatic scaling or Autoscaling is done totally on its own by the help pff some predefined set of rules and protocols. It does scaling of resources automatically without any assistance. When traffic or data requirement is higher, it will add up resources and when lesser resources are needed, it will make it lesser automatically.

Scalability being the most important factor for any cloud service is the one that saves time, cost and manpower. Cloud scalability is the one thing every cloud user needs to have some knowledge about. Cloud computing training is the best and easy way for that.

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Shahbaz Ahmed :I am Guest Post writer.I publish articles on different websites and share my knowledge with the world.