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How to Set Up a Learning Atmosphere for the Best Outcomes in Studies?

If you’re bored by repeatedly listening to the conventional pieces of study advice from seniors or friends and still looking for better pieces of advice regarding success in studies, the article is absolutely written for you. It’s quite common, to not to get the optimum desired results at the end of the semester by following the conventional ways. So, don’t get worried or frustrated as there are scientific reasons for failing to concentrate on studies in customary ways. As we’re different from each other, so our approaches to studying are to be different for the desired results.  Remember, “No one size fits all.”

How to Customize the Environment for Better Learning?

Maybe you’re a school going student who wants to learn the time management for achieving success in studies. Howsoever good or bad your current situation may be in the score sheet. The following tips will help you to improve to touch the milestone at least the score you deserve depending on your merit. Most Important, don’t get confused and for daily motivation visit apagraph.


Switch location for better memorization. Though you might hear such thing for the first time in your entire student life but still Dr. Robert A. Bjork of UCLA and Steven M. Smith from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, have made strong reasoning behind it. Now you can ask an explanation. According to the research of the above-mentioned professors, the brain involves the surroundings and study materials subconsciously which create sensation during studies. So, moderately switching the location while studying involves our brain in multiple tasks with the same material and believe it or not, this improves memorization.

Setting up the mood

Switch to a room with a large window for studying. Yes! you may have noticed that the lighting of the room has a direct impact upon your study performance. How? Also, you might wonder about your study room is the brightest among the other rooms in the house. Now, according to research, our brain reacts differently regarding the type of lights. They are two of them, natural lights and artificial lights. Daylight keeps our brain conscious in contrast with artificial lights and helps us to concentrate. On the contrary, the artificial lights create drowsiness ultimately resulting in distractions. So, pick the room full more with natural lights. In winter as we’ve got only a few hours of daylight, switching to the brightest room is always be the second option. According to a study held in a school of Vienna, Austria, the students in brighter classrooms (500 Lux) score better in writing, reading, and mathematics exercises. Contrarily, students studying in classrooms have the lighting of approximately 300 Lux.

Set Up the Temperature

As to enjoy study under the best light and for more focus you might start thinking to switch your studies into the yard or a park. Not a bad idea at all but still go through this section before making up your mind on open-air studies. The body burns more calories in a certain drop of temperature to stay warm. So, if it is winter, dropping off the idea is more wise and advisable. The best is to choose a comfortable place that is nor cold neither too hot for studying.

Are Conventional Ideas Myth or Real?

As a student, you should’ve heard of needing a calm and quiet place to study like a library. I don’t know, what is the science behind the concept? All I have researched and found a study held upon on a group of students at Iowa State University. In that test, researchers requested students to read a two-page article in certain places. Either calm or a noisy place. Later on, the students were tested in two different environments matching with their place of the reading article and others who were tested in a mismatched environment. If you wonder the students read the article in a noisy place did as good as the students read in a quiet and calm place, matching to their place of study! So matching the environment with an exam hall is the key and more scientific than studying in a quiet room.  Of course, most of the exam halls are in the quieter site and you might find the conventional way as real. But there are many students who take online courses these days. For them, matching the study environment with examination center can play an important role.

More of Conventional Ideas

You must have heard of the advice to study in a nice clean and tidy environment several times from the elder ones. Let us focus on the study made by Harvard, as they found, people in a nice and tidy place show more persistence to take on a challenging task than people under the messy circumstance. In contrary, according to Psychological science, people are more creative under cluttered circumstances though clutter might suppress persistence. Wait!!! Before messing or cleaning up your study room let me assess your objectives. Ask yourself, do your task needs persistence or creativity? Now, you can switch as per the requirement to accomplish your current objectives.

In conclusion, I would like to request you to recall what I have mentioned earlier, we are different from each other. It is you who’ll take the ultimate decision. People can only advise you but they can’t find the solution for you. So, I would request you to experiment on the above techniques I’ve mentioned in the article.

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