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How to Structure an IB Internal Assessment

IB is a great way to acquire knowledge and prepare for the academic process in a college while being in school. It is also useful for entering prestigious universities all over the world; however, the study curriculum of International Baccalaureate is not very easy. It requires a lot of effort and self-motivation, yet the result is definitely worth it.

Internal Assessment is a part of the IB program and influences the overall mark. It is checked and graded by the teacher from one’s school, but it is sent to the examiner as well. The main concern is the form and structure of Internal Assessment depends on the subject you are completing IB high-levels on.

Types of Assessments and Their Structure

IA can be both in written or oral form; the choice is based on the subject, as follows:

  • Languages – oral work or presentation;
  • Geography – fieldwork;
  • Music – musical investigation (might be somewhat similar to historical IA);
  • Sciences – laboratory work, lab experiments;
  • Math – investigation;
  • History – investigation on one of the historical matters/events;
  • Art – performance, presentation or portfolio.

The standards also depend on the level, whether it is HL or SL. It might seem complicated and lots of students choose to use the help of an IB Internal Assessment writing service, which is normal. However, there is an overall structure that one might follow to complete an assessment.

General IA Structure

This task is given to both SL and HL candidates for their subjects. Overall, it can be characterized as research work presented appropriately. It is usually 1800-2200 words in total and dwells on one topic. There is no need to choose an extensive problem because the volume is limited. The best thing in choosing a topic for an IA is to focus on one particular aspect, issue or historical event to fully study it.

The overall structure of a written IA is:

  • Introduction. It includes the theory, concept or event, on which the research is based on. Here you need to explain what the concept is about, what is the main issue. The introduction also features all the specific terms you are going to use and their definition.
  • If there is an original paper/book/investigation you are taking your study from, it should be mentioned in the first part of the IA. This is essential data to understand the question. After that you need to state a hypothesis of your investigation, what aspects are you working on and what the purpose of the research is. What problem can this study solve?
  • Exploration. This part deals with how your research is conducted, what were the circumstances, participants, the choice of methods used. You need to explain how the study is designed and how the samples are taken. What methods of information gathering were used and how they apply to this paper. You need to mention the methods of control of experiment data. Describe the materials, procedure and ethical standards of the investigation.
  • Analysis. This is the part where you work on the data received while experimenting or research. One might apply descriptive or inferential statistics. It is great to create a graph showing the received data. Another point is to analyze how this data correlates with the initial hypothesis, whether it supports it or not.
  • Evaluation. Compare the result of your investigation to the data you’ve started from, whether it is original research or initial information. The findings should correspond to the theory you’ve worked within the introduction. How do these findings add valuable insight into the issue?
  • In this part, one should also discuss the limitation of the research and suggest further studies in this field. The limitation might include specific materials, a small group of participants, methods used, etc. There is a place for recommendations regarding further work. And evaluation should include the conclusion of the whole paper, offering the link between statement/hypothesis and the received data.
  • Works Cited. This is pretty simple, add all sources used in working on IA in alphabetical order.
  • Appendixes. Here one might include all additional materials used in the preparation of IA, such as raw data, materials, notes, graphs, calculations, etc.

In Summary

Internal Assessment is a big part of IB because it takes about 30-40% of the final grade. It is an investigation conducted by a student to show their analytical, research, and writing skills. The final form of IA depends on the subject, so it can be a performance or historical investigation.

Yet, all the written assignments follow an overall structure that is similar to all subjects. It is essential to state the issue, study hypothesis and define terms. After that one should dwell on methodology and data collection and analyze the information received. It will either prove or disprove the initial hypothesis, in any case, it should provide valuable data for the issue.

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