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How to Study While You Are in the Military

Serving in the military as a career can be one of the most simultaneously challenging and rewarding jobs in the world, but it can feel restrictive if you don’t feel like you have room to progress. If you are thinking about furthering your education and opportunities by studying and serving, then here are five tips for studying while in the military.

Pick the Right School

If you are currently serving in the military and looking to further your education, by far the best option is to enroll in an online school. Not just any online school, however, you will want to look for a military-friendly school such as Purdue University Global that will support you, your learning and your career.

Look into Financial Assistance

If the possible financial burden of taking on further education is deterring you from pursuing it, it is definitely worth looking into financial assistance. The military tuition assistance program can help you to relieve your financial burden, sometimes even paying for 100% of your course fees. The course or degree program you choose can be academic or technical, and financial assistance is also available to you if you decide to study online.

Make Sure You Have a Good Work-Life Balance

As beneficial as education is, it can sometimes feel like added stress in your life. Managing your stress and making sure that you don’t feel overwhelmed by your career, family, and education is important. The key is to make a healthy work-life balance a priority. Scheduling time to spend socializing and with loved ones is equally as important as gaining your education. And that is what will keep you grounded and sane when the workload starts to kick in.

Pick the Right Courses for You

Make sure you are studying something that you are truly passionate about. And you have the drive to learn and improve in. There is nothing more mind-numbing than sitting for hours trying to learn information that you have absolutely no interest in. And with the demands of your career, you’re going to want to make sure that the course you are studying is interesting and engaging enough. So that you will want to study it, even when you’re feeling slightly demotivated, or tired.

Get Organized

Organizing your supplies, and more importantly, your time is important. It is crucial to maintaining your work-life balance and staying on the top of your studying. Chances are you’ll want to complete your chosen course or degree as quickly as you can. In which case, time-management in day to day life is going to be of paramount importance. Make sure you schedule the right amount of time each day or week to dedicate to your studies. Also, prepare by stocking up on all the supplies you need.

Make Sure You Have the Support of Your Friends and Family

Having the support of your friends and family can quickly become invaluable. Without it, studying while in the military can quickly become isolating and much more difficult than it needs to be. Make sure to talk to your family and friends and ask for their support and encouragement when you need it. Having people who believe in you and who want you to succeed can make a real difference.

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