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Importance of Interpersonal Skills in One’s Career

Interpersonal skills are those that we use daily to communicate, listen, question, and express our thoughts.  These skills are essential for most professionals to be successful in their careers.  They include a host of skills used in communicating with others, such as verbal, written, effective communication, and questioning skills. These skills are also called behavioral skills, or social skills. These are the skills used when communicating and collaborating with others. These skills are an incredible asset to success, extremely valuable, and require unique methods to learn. In other words, these skills are the foundation of success for any professional. They are fundamental abilities that we acquire through our experiences. These are vital for success in the workplace as well as in private life. Only having strong interpersonal skills can lead to effective interaction of the employees with the customers and stakeholders. It’s rightly said that hard skills/technical skills can get you a job, but soft skills take you to the top.

So, listed below are a few ways by which you can improve your interpersonal skills to better connect with people around you:


Conversation is the basis of every communication. Effective verbal communication begins with clarity and speaking more thoughtfully. Many people are in a hurry to react while speaking or responding to questions and conversations. That needs to slow down a bit. Pause for a moment in consideration for the person to understand you in a better way.  Take a moment to think and speak wisely. A considerate person is generally taken more seriously.

Non-Verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is entirely underrated and underestimated. It is something that other people notice easily, whether one is aware of it or not. Your body continually speaks.  These are wordless communication. Those who are good at non-verbal communication can almost subliminally reinforce what they are saying verbally.  Developing these skills can help you easily connect with others and express your emotions in a better way.

Acknowledge others

Listening is an invaluable tool for effective communication.  Full and active attention of the listener is given to the person who is speaking. This is one skill whose importance can not be understated.

One should make sure to understand the perspective of the person speaking without interrupting them in between. Listen to them when they speak. Paraphrase the conversation to clarify understanding. If you attempt to listen to others, they are much likely to agree with your proposal or point. Maintaining eye contact and showing an active interest in what the person is saying can go a long way in making effective communication. Be an empathetic and active listener. It will display your interest in the idea and perception of those around you. Listening is a critical interpersonal skill for building a connection with others.


An effective way to start any conversation is by asking a ‘Question’. It demonstrates how interested you are in the person sitting right in front of you and how desired they are in listening to you. Starting with a smart question can take you places. We are often too much observed in ourselves and ignore paying attention to others. Try asking the person how they are doing. Ask them about their hobbies, their passions, their interests. Get to know people on a deeper and more fulfilling level. Learn more about them by asking questions that show genuine interest.

For connecting with others it is imperative that you make an effort to express interest in their lives.


Good manners comprise a larger part of interpersonal skills possessed by a person. Having basic etiquette helps in a better understanding of other cultures and their expectations. Anyone who has good interpersonal skills accompanied by the appropriate mannerism can achieve great success in life. One can better understand the customers and engage with them in a much acceptable way.

Responsibility & Accountability

Two of the most reliable indicators of maturity are responsibility and accountability are two reliable indicators of maturity.  Being responsible and accountable helps us to build trust and encourage others to participate in the exchange of communication.

One of the most challenging things, both professionally and personally, is being accountable for your own actions. This is also a crucial element of conflict management. One needs to fully understand the situation and respond to address the issue comprehensively and is fruitful for the customer and the business.

For a Business Analyst, for example, interpersonal skills are fundamental. Mastering interpersonal skills make a business analyst’s job easier and extremely enjoyable.

Having a well-balanced and mix of interpersonal skills allows you to get through any situation more gracefully and positively. You need all the skills to balance your professional as well as personal life. Nobody is perfect, and learning these skills can help you be a work in progress towards a better version of yourself.

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