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How important is teacher’s development?

Chemistry Teacher with Students in Class --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”

–Albert Einstein

Teacher : A guide, a friend and a mentor

Teaching is the most noble profession in the world. It is the teachers that decide the course of history. He transforms the barren human mind into an engineer, doctor, leader or thinker. He has a great responsibility on his shoulder, the responsibility of future. It’s the responsibility of the teacher to make students competent enough to cope with real life problems and to make their way in the ever changing world. Hence the teacher has to adjust and has to match with the pace with the changing dynamic of the society. The style and requirement of teaching has changed drastically in the last 25 years. Now the mere knowledge of subject content is not the only requirement of teaching. The domain of teaching has long broken out side of the walls of classroom and is merging with the new life style of the society. The teachers have to blend themselves into the new structure of teaching and learning.

Several new techniques and methods of teaching have developed with the course of time. Older bulky subjects have transformed into job oriented and topic specific courses. The direct classroom face to face interaction is decreasing and more virtual teaching methods are taking its place. So the real question before the teachers of this generation is how to design the syllabus so as to address the specific need of the student? How to make the subject interesting enough to make the student interested in the subject? How to change the style of teaching so as to give the students real life exposure of the field? How to change the mode of teaching so as to be more accessible to the students?

Changing times : New styles and techniques of teaching

Many advance teacher training programs are introduced throughout the country to address these problems and needs of the teachers. Many government and non government institutions are taking the initiative to make learning and teaching more simplified and accessible. Some remarkable work is being done by leading non government organization like NIIT. Several websites are also providing training to the teachers online like,,,,,

Several platforms are being built for the teachers to connect directly to their students. Here the teacher designs the course and develop the material and the student connect to them via these platform. Several organizations are doing remarkable job in this domain. Organizations like edutopia, teachable, educationworld are some names worth mentioning.

Online tuitions are also a rapidly growing segment in the education industry. Website services like, bharattutors, tutorindia, myprivatetutor, vedantu are acting as a link between the students and the teachers. Many of these site also have mobile apps and you can connect to your student by a click on your phone.

Teaching by blogs and you tube channels are also in trend now. Some sites like and are hosting these blogs and are pretty successful.

You tube channels are also a major tool to reach out to the students. Here the teacher put out a video lecture series for the students and the students get benefitted by them. You tube video lectures are becoming very popular among students. Engineering college students have a special carving for them. It is education anywhere anytime. They are the future of teaching. Some you tube channels like have huge following as much as two hundred thousand.

Blend yourselves,Change the world

It is very important for a teacher to grow continuously and to set pace with the changing world and the trends of education. There are several modern tools available to the teacher to make learning more enjoyable and creative for the students. The synchronization of teaching with technology is very important. So grow yourselves, explore and revolutionize the world.

The use of real life examples is also important in this context. The teacher should be able to connect with his students and expand his imagination and develop his creativity. Take a step and make the world a better place.

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Navneet Anand :I am a voracious reader and enthusiastic writer.

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  • Teaching is indeed a noble profession and school is considered to be a second home for children. A teacher is the one who creates all other profession. Teachers is like a foundation to the education system .So it is very important that a teacher possess all the noble qualities, share a good rapport with the students , understand the students needs and use innovative methods and new technologies for better understanding of the students. For more check out this article on ideal qualities of a teacher.