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How does life at your institute shape you for what lies ahead?


The unknown road taken…

Its been well said,

Life holds the best for you, try believing in yourself  for once”.

Hello folks! I am a 21 year old female pursuing Physiotherapy. My final year is about to end… finally!!

It was 2013 when after struggling with patience and hard work, I cleared my 12th grade and NEET-UG[which was a nightmare although]. I thought I was a step away from my childhood dream of becoming a doctor, a real stethoscope was soon to be my invaluable jewel, but its believed what comes easily is temporary! I was reluctant  to apply for a medical college as I felt I wasn’t eligible to be a doctor[I had scored 91% in my entrance but believed my peers who kept saying that is a below standard score].Thanks to the never ending tries made by my parents to convince me, I finally decided to give it a try even though the other side of me constantly reminded me of how big a looser I was and the unstable teenage in me blamed my parents constantly for wasting their and my time too! My father filled the procedure form on my behalf since I felt it a waste. He asked me,” K. J. Somaiya college of Physiotherapy is really nice, I have heard about it do u want to apply there?” since it takes 1.5 hours from my house, he wanted a reassurance. I nodded simply because I was so sure I won’t ever make it. and finally against all odds in the selection round I made it to this college in the first list itself! it stills feels like a dream.

Plant the seeds of expectation in your mind

cultivate thoughts that anticipate achievements

believe in yourself as being capable of over coming all obstacles and weakness

-Norman Vincent Peale


So here is the rollercoaster ride that I m in since 2013 up to my present

K.J.Somaiya college of Physiotherapy is an allied health institute in Sion[I had never known where Sion is located on Earth, believe me the first time I came here I felt travelling in space], with its roots instilled since more than 15 years. The motto here is serving best to the society. We have our own space on the 6th floor in the medical college building. Yes! a whole floor dedicated for the welfare of the people by persuading the patients to use their own undiscovered abilities. Physiotherapy is a branch of allied health sciences which uses the individual’s abilities; along with physical methods such as ice, massage, exercises instead of surgery and medications. At Somaiya, we work for 6 days a week,7 hours a day. I would love to call this place as the ”2nd innings house”, since whatever may be the reason of a sudden pause in your life, we help you to come back to your routine but with a BANG! It has given me a chance as well to go with the flow and a lesson of do not  slow! Its my assurance that as a student you enter here with the goal of becoming a doctor but end up making your patient’s goal as yours! that is what life is all about, add the dreams of others to yours, replace I with WE and then see the magic! The disciplined curriculum here makes sure that you walk with the time, no chance of loosing the race. We are a family of around 250 with a majority of girls , the awestruck faces of the patients and visitors is a common scene here for this place has changed the definition of a woman from being docile and timid to strong and fearless. The principal of our college is the best example you can get here! She is the architect behind producing the finest physios for a country which needs more of tender care and motivation along with plain medications. Also the teaching faculty here shows you how a perfect blend of all qualities gives results at par for they have taught me if a girl wants she can do the best without even giving it a thought, proud to be of the same gender. Patients from all phases of life end up here for complete rehabilitation. A 6 month old baby who can’t roll due to some brain damage or an 80 year old man with a fixed leg wanting to wane the crutch off. The circle of life is seen here. The happiness you get when you see your patients doing better in life gives you a fulfillment and a sense of pride for you have added life to their remaining days.

Surprises do not enter with a prior notice, recently my grandmother lost control of both her lower limbs since the nerve responsible for the movement was impinged and blocked thanks to her long standing back aches, she was operated for the same but was advised vigorous physiotherapy . Since I was treating patients in my college, my parents advised me to treat her as well, I was jaw struck since it was the first time I was going to do something by myself but thanks to my teachers and the blessings of all mighty  she starting walking with an aid 5 months post operations. It feels nice when you see your loved ones happy and specially because the reason was you, I was lucky to be the reason of my grandmother’s happiness.

In few months I shall be done with my graduation after my internship to face the real world. Somaiya-ites  have an instilled sense of patience, optimism, practicality and wittiness , that what we leave with along with the acquired knowledge. I do not know what lies further for me but I am sure I am a healer and am going to make my parents, institute and country proud.

It is my fortune to be a part of this esteemed set up which makes sure that the future gets a redefined edge of the current physiotherapy norms!

Money makes you rich at pocket  but contentment makes you a richer soul!

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