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The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking it cannot be changed without changing our thinking “(ALBERT EINSTEIN”)

We all have tried to learn something fairly simple, yet failed to sense the key ideas and found that some were overwhelmed or confused by something quite basic.

We gathered so much information and so many different thoughts form our daily routine which obviously had a great impact on our learning process. Gradually we train ourselves to learn which details matter and which don’t start by listening to your intuition. If something doesn’t sound true, that’s your first warning sign, “Critical thinking”.

In everyday life we get huge amount of information, various opinions and face different situations. It is very difficult to explicit all the details. We trains our selves  to learn which details are important and which are not and this can be done by “Thinking about thinking” or Critical thinking.

Critical thinking means to absorb important information and use this information to make a decision or opinion of your own.

  1. Ask Basic Questions: Focus only on basic original questions if you have to solve a problem

For e.g.: what you already know? How do you know that etc?

  1. Beware Of Your Mental Alertness: Our brain mentally use mental shortcuts to explain what’s happening around us . we should avoid this if we are trying to think critically
  1. Debates Are Beneficial For Learning: whenever we get involved in a debate it is not necessary that we will get the right answer, how we get from this, in this way we want to know the apt answer for the situation.
  2. Develop Analytical Skill: Analytical skill can be developed with time and consistent practice.
  3. No One Thinks Critically 100% Of The Time: We cannot think all the time critically thinking is a tool that we should use when we need to make important decision or solve difficult problem.

For critical thinking there is a modern replacement called DESIGN THINKING which is a Problem solving framework. There are basically two concept of solving a problem of learning they are:


These concept have been around for decades, but in ht past five to ten years,  IDEO, a design consultancy, has championed the process as an alternative to a  Purely analytical process to improve how to learn.


Traditional thinking is a methodological and scientific form of learning which helps to solve the problem by sticking to the plan. Although, its straight forward, but not always flexible, innovative or effective and leaves a lot of question behind.

The goal of improving learning is an important endpoint to the process of design thinking in fact; design thinking is all about finding fresh, creative innovative ideas for learning.

TIM BROWN, IDEO’S president and CEO, defines design thinking like this

“ The mission of design thinking is to translate observation into insight int

productive learning and improving the learning process”

Now the critically thinking is just identifying the issues, analyzing it and establishing a Plan to solve it, if necessary. Critically thinking is analyzing your inner strengths as many things in life can be more simple and easy if one easy if one use critically thinking skill

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