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Part-time MBA vs distance education MBA

Are you planning to pursue MBA while working? This was not possible a couple of decades ago, however, times have changed. A working professional can still pursue many post-graduation courses relevant to their stream via either the part-time MBA (or correspondence MBA) or its distance-learning version. You need not sacrifice your job to pursue studies anymore!

There are many options to study while working, based on the method of learning you choose. At the end of the day, it is your decision to make. And, I know that the decision you make will be a smart one.

Today, we will discuss part-time MBA and distance learning MBA along with their differences. Knowing this information will ensure that you make a wise decision to balance work and studies while pursuing MBA.

This decision will certainly have a huge impact on your life, speaking straightforwardly, with respect to both finances and profession.

Part-Time MBA

To offer flexibility to people who work and would like to continue with further studies, modern educationists have created options for part-time or correspondence MBA. There are many options for part-time courses. You could attend multiple classes on weekends or attend evening colleges or universities that offer part-time MBA.

Advantages of Part-time MBA

After making the decision of pursuing MBA via part-time mode, you need to manage time effectively for work and attend scheduled classes along with taking care of your personal life. The compromises and sacrifices that you make now, will certainly return tenfold over time.

There are a lot of advantages to pursuing MBA in part-time mode. Let’s check it out:

Curriculum – Syllabus wise

Part-time MBA has the same curriculum as a regular MBA so that you don’t miss out on any essentials of the course. And the syllabus offered under this version follows the same protocol.


The pursuers of the program can choose their time to attend classes depending on their type of part-time MBA. It is either only weekend classes or evening classes. The weekend, that is Saturday and Sunday, are packed with classes covering every subject. Also, there are the evening colleges running as regular classes for the working people to attend classes after their duties.

Academic Rigor

The organization that you work at can also encourage your pursuing of part-time MBA. This also provides that PG degree to increase the value of your resume. Having that post-graduation certification is certainly a plus point in any job hunting or promotion scenarios.


Compared to regular MBA courses, the concerned authorities have priced the part-time MBA program, quite reasonably. The fee structure difference between the two is an eye opener and it will help you be less burden financially speaking.

We know the advantages of pursuing education via part-time MBA, are there any disadvantages that you should know of? There are a few, let’s check it out.

Disadvantages of Part-Time MBA

Part-time MBA has a few disadvantages which may or may not be within your control. It all depends on perspective and the points that we discuss as disadvantages are purely based on general behavior when it comes to students pursuing part-time MBA.

Less Interactive

Even attending these classes on weekends or evenings will not have the same level of interaction when compared to a regular MBA course.


The time management skill is not easily learned and many fail to do so. This is the reason for college drop-outs in this type of learning.


Due to the limited time and interaction with the students, it is difficult to assess skills and capabilities.

Distance Learning-MBA

We know everything about part-time MBA mode, let’s discuss the distance MBA mode. To being with, distance MBA is a completely non-interactive method of teaching. With sufficient study materials offered and lecture videos available 24/7, distance education offers the highest form of flexibility irrespective of the course you study.

Advantages of Distance Learning-MBA

Distance learning has become a successful method of education that is approved by governing bodies and offered by many reputed universities and institutions.

This mode of learning offers courses to those who are willing to learn but void of it due to various reasons like financial, working, geographical unavailability and more. Let’s check out some of the benefits of distance education.

Working Professional

Unable to quit the job for studies will certainly be an obstacle, clear that obstacle with distance learning.

24/7 Access and Assistance

Online is the mode of communication and you have access to any lecture or study material 24/7 since it is like a virtual library.

Geographical difficulty?

With limited internet access, you should be able to opt for distance learning since it is not available at or near your location.


Willingness to learn but out of options is ruled out since a minimum internet access is all you need to enroll and get started with undergraduate and postgraduates courses like MBA. This helps fight the illiteracy even in the remote parts of the state or country.


Compared to both regular and part-time MBA, distance learning-MBA is cheaper. Since there are no classes to attend and study material and lecture videos are available online, you need not spend much with respect to the fee as well.


Out of all the modes available in the education industry, this mode has the highest flexibility. You can study at your convenience since everything is available online. Highest flexibility is certainly appreciated by those with a busy working schedule. Making time to study every day before or after work is certainly easy and you will be able to learn faster since you are mentally prepared for it.

There is only one big drawback or it wouldn’t call it a drawback-the commitment and willpower is needed to pursue MBA in this mode. Without proper commitment, it is difficult to achieve anything even with high flexibility.

Final Thoughts

Distance education extinguishes boundaries and offers education to those who yearn for it. Distance learning is being improvised every day since the improvement of technology has brought us close even though we are worlds apart.

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