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Rules: Everywhere You Go I Follow.

Rules: Everywhere You Go I Follow…!!

Q: What are rules….???? A: Just like promises, it is meant to be broken :D. Talking about rules, we are meant to follow rules everywhere or rather forced to follow unless there are penalties to pay for breaking it of course :D. The very first place we follow rules is our homes and then our school and then the torture follows.

The moment we enter college we become a bit relaxed thinking that now its time to break free from that monotonous chain of rules and disciplines. But of course we are not spared here as well. Colleges have some pre defined set of rules and regulations. But the most dangerous part is the unsaid rules they have. Lets give it a check.

Rule 1:

Said: Presenting your ID Cards is necessary to enter the college premises.

Unsaid: Because no one who knows your real identity, will allow you to enter their premises!

Rule 2:

Said: Minimum 90% attendance is required to sit for the exam!

Unsaid: Maximum 100% tolerance required to tolerate the boring subjects!

Rule 3:

Said: Your fees needs to be cleared before attending the classes!

Unsaid: Your pockets needs to be empty so that you cannot hangout anywhere bunking the class!

Rule 4:

Said: No bunking classes allowed!

Unsaid: You have paid to listen something which is going out of head!

Rule 5:

Said: Your canteen is not your classroom. Sitting in canteen during the class is not allowed.

Unsaid: We are trying to maintain your BMI by keeping a check at your diets. We have already destroyed your mental health. We are at least trying to save your physical one.

Rule 6:

Said: You have to wear decent clothes to college. No loud dressed allowed.

Unsaid: Please wear full clothes which also covers the flaws of the college.

Rule 7:

Said: Ragging or unruly behaviour with any person on the campus will not be entertained!

Unsaid: Your helplessness of being with us till you pass out from here is already entertaining us!

Rule 8:

Said: You need to pass all the exams to get the final pass certificate!

Unsaid: Failing an exam is directly proportional to the love we are going to shower. Our love for you won’t let you go anywhere else till you pass the exams!

I quote “ I was born disciplined but college rules ruined me “. 😀

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Saloni Chhajer :