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How to Stay Positive as A Student

School life can be taxing with a lot being expected from you as a young adult. Whether you have to deal with financial stress or being overwhelmed at school, life can start to weigh you down. Here are some ways to keep you positive when you feel like giving up. Read here about the power of positive attitude.

Have your own manageable expectations

Everyone around you from your parents, sports coaches, lecturers and even your peers will have a certain standard they would like you to meet. At times these may be overwhelming and you may strain yourself too much trying to achieve them. By having your own manageable expectations you can incorporate those of the ones in your life, up to the degree that they meet yours. You also have to ensure your expectations to be already manageable. Setting unreasonable goals will only get you frustrated as you try to achieve something beyond your capabilities. Having several realistic goals that build up to the ultimate goal will surely be more gratifying as you will be able to see your progress.

Do not let failures consume you

For sure you will encounter failure on numerous occasions but that should not get you down. Staying on the failure will not get you anywhere but continue to drag you down. Take failure as a learning process and try your best to make the most out of it and most importantly, pick yourself up.

Read good books

Yes, you are already doing plenty of reading. But make sure you fill your head with positive and uplifting books. At the very least, read some inspirational and motivational quotes. Whether on Facebook or Instagram or if you just find some online, positive quotes are very powerful and can inspire you to be your best.

Engage in a stress relieving activity

Be it a sport for leisure, learning to play a musical instrument, theatre, going to a music concert or even a retreat with friends; is sure to make you cool off and get you invigorated for the days coming. Fun activities are a sure way to relieve stress and keep you in good moods.

Have some quiet time every day

At the end of the day, it would do you much good to have a few minutes of quiet time. Look for a quiet spot in a park or somewhere in the great outdoors with a good book or your favorite music album and take time to relax. It will be sure to help you reflect on your life and see what productive and good steps you have taken and also where you need to improve. But most importantly, you will appreciate yourself.

Have a buddy to talk to

A confidant is essential in one’s life. A person to talk to when you feel burdened is important. They say a problem shared is a problem half solved. You’ll most likely find out as you confide in someone that they may be going through the same challenges. Perhaps, they also have found a way to cope that might just be what you need. Sharing might also get you some sound advice especially if the person is older as they have much more experience in life and dealing with various circumstances.

Staying positive while in college, as you can see is not a hard task. With these simple steps, you can easily keep yourself positive and avoid negativity that would be otherwise detrimental to your general well-being. Click here to read on how not to give up.

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Sara Jane :I am a mother of two and a counselor working with youth ages 13 - 21 in helping them find their way in life