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Are Students Actually Lazy? A Closer Look

Are students actually lazy? Well first of all let’s take a look about what lazy actually means. Lazy means a person who is unwilling to work or use energy. Now more specifically a lazy student can be defined as a student who has the intellectual ability to excel but never realizes their potential because they choose not to do the work necessary to maximize their capability. But the real question here is why those students are lazy towards school and homework or assignments when they are perfectly active and fine in other spheres of life.

Students don’t shy away from a game of soccer or any other form of entertainment but they choose not to take interest in academic related work, so can we really call them lazy? And what is the reason behind the laziness of the child in academics.

One of the most important issues behind the laziness of a child is his lack of interest in the subject. This lack of interest can be due to a lot of problems, the style of teaching being the foremost. The students simply do not get the environment that invokes his curiosity in the subject. The subject and the teacher fail to attract his attention. One of the reasons for this is our old and boring curriculum. Through the country most of the curriculum followed by schools is decades old. The student does not get attracted to the subject and the idea of the subject does not fascinate him for him to be involved. There is a need to implement more innovative, modern and entertaining way of teaching the students in the class.

Another main cause for the student to be lazy is his environment. The environment he is living in, the environment of the family is the factor that shapes the child. The environment of the house should be happy and peaceful. The parents are the most important figures to ensure a sound and safe environment to the child. Parents should be always attentive and supportive to the child. They should inspire him/her to complete the work on time and study.

Other major factor is the level of understanding of the child. Every child is different in terms of his ability to learn and understand. Every student has a different speed of learning. The teaching in the school and the guidance at homes should be more personalized in nature, according to the needs and pace of the student. Many a time the student could not keep up with the speed of teaching in the class and is unable to understand the lesson and concepts. Slowly he loses all his interest in the subject and do not do the assignments and homework and is generally termed lazy.

Before terming a student lazy a lot of factors should be considered and closely analyzed. The traits of being lazy can vary due to different personal factors as well as factors of surrounding.

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Navneet Anand :I am a voracious reader and enthusiastic writer.