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Tips to beat the Exam heat!

With time, exams have become more competitive and stressful. Serious students put in days and months of hardwork to crack a few hours exam. Exams at higher levels are most often life changing. Some exams change the entire course of life. Here are some do’s and dont’s that one must keep in mind before an important exam.

1. Give rest to the Eyes:
The most critical body part apart from the brain for an exam are eyes. Over exposure of eyes to TVs, computers and mobiles could result in burning eyes and headaches. It is of paramount importance to keep these body parts working at their prime during an exam. Apart from the brain, eyes also needs rest before a marathon exercise of concentration required during an exam.

2. Keep the hands moving:
Hands are very similar to any machine. As a machine takes some time to achieve its peak speed, hands similarly takes some time to work fluently and rhythmically with brain. So it is advisable to do slight rough exercises before/on the day of exam. It reduces any possible shivers and keeps the hands warm.

3. Disciplined eating:
We believe there is a direct connection between food and brain. Great food triggers energy and opens up the brain. True!! But going out of bounds with this belief results in a string of problems-starting with stomach and ending up messing the exam. Spicy, oily, junk and heavy food before exam is a strict NO! A nervous day and a heavy stomach is a deadly combination. Only eat as much as it is sufficient and take healthy fluids time to time.

4. Check, recheck and be sure about the exam center:
Finding yourself at an incorrect exam center could kill all your dreams. I have a personal experience of getting mixed up with two similar names of exam centers and found myself at a different exam center than where I was supposed to be at. The exam was that of AIEEE. Thankfully I reached my exam center in time but the incident left my brain stoned for almost half an hour. So, make sure you know your exam center, how to reach there, and the time it would take for you to reach there.

5. Have your alone time:
An exam needs calmness. Small walk alone or with a loved one(includes everyone you think) under night sky with a slight cool breeze could work wonders for the brain. The tranquility and calmness it brings to the brain is unimaginary.

6. Keep distance with competitors:
The harsh truth is most friends are your competitors. It is a common practice to discuss subjects topics and questions with friends just before the exam. But very often it drags down the confidence, if you are unable to recollect or solve the questions. The functioning of brain becomes similar to the situation when tongue gets attracted towards things stuck in between gaps of the teeth.

7. Get Inspired:
Any important exam needs a lot of confidence. Confidence is directly proportional to inspiration-a simple but strong relation. Everyone has their own list of inspirational songs, movies, videos, speeches or talks. For example, I watch classic cricket matches or ted talks, they inspire me. Get inspired! You will rock the exam.

8. Dress according to your comfort:
During an important exam, wearing comfortable clothes is as important as wearing clothes. Avoid tight and unfitting clothes. The discomfort caused by clothes could climb up from the body to the brain. Thinking of the testing room environment and dress accordingly.

9. Handle anxiety:
Anxiety, nervousness and panic is obvious during exams. Handling it and doing well in exam is in your hands. Do not think too much about the exam and its consequences. Try to drink water and deep breath if feeling nervous. Attempt easier questions first to boost your confidence at the start and bring down nervousness.

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K Rohit Rao Rao :

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