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Top 10 Educational Apps that Revamped the Face of Education

Previously, the masses could actually claim that the world is humungous but today, it can be safely said that it is shrinking. It has successfully shrunk to such an extent that everything is available at just a click. But who has benefitted the most from this shrinking? In a word, students! The greatest benefactor of this development is a community that is growing at a high rate. Their growth is resulting in the invent of more and more devices and the advancement of technology. One could actually think of how the human race has advanced and end up being surprised. A fascinating feature of this advancement has been the development of educational apps.

These educational apps have taken up the responsibility of globalizing education on a scale large scale. Today we will bring you the most prominent educational apps that can help you in many ways. Our composition comprises 10 educational apps that are successfully revolutionizing pedagogy. But before we move on to discuss the 10 prominent educational apps it would only be fair to get to know some background information.

During the course of our article on the Top 10 Educational Apps that Revamped the Face of Education, you will find topics like:

  1. Educational Apps: The first of its kind
  2. Why Did Educational Apps Come Into Existence?
  3. Top 10 Educational Apps
  4. How are educational apps certified to be useful and user-friendly?
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about Educational Apps

Educational Apps: The first of its kind

There is a very famous dialogue which tells us that the world only remembers who came first in the race. But in the case of educational apps it most probably it is not known. The first ever educational app, the first of its kind is Grockit. It is an educational app for learning that allows students to work in a collaborative manner and experience a real-time study environment. Grockit, the educational app combines social networking websites along with adaptive learning and game mechanics and employs it to enable teaching.

Why Did Educational Apps Come Into Existence?

There was a time that students only books as a guide, this made some educationists think about the restrictions of education. Some of the most prominent reasons they realized were:

  • Distance
  • Language
  • Finance
  • Guides
  • Conflicts amongst the books
  • Conflicts amongst the guides
  • Number of subjects to be studied

Since these restrictions were not easy to do away with, they thought to begin somewhere. These educational apps when begun were only providing students with knowledge in some specific languages. This did not solve the restraint of education but enhanced it. Then these educational apps evolved to become available in different languages. Slowly all the above-mentioned problems began to be resolved by the educational apps but then affordability of the education became a big hurdle. While using these educational apps one may discover that most of the programs are available only after a subscription. Well, slowly the educational apps are developing and making the study material available free of cost. The field of educational apps is developing at a rather fast pace and is striving to make information available at a platform which is accessible to one and all.

Top 10 Educational Apps

We have come up with a list of the best 10 educational apps for helping the students to gain the access key to the floodgate of knowledge. These educational apps have been designed to facilitate learning. Let’s dive in to know about these equational apps.


Providing fresh content for Web Development, Python, Kotlin, C++, PHP, and many computer-oriented languages is an educational app, SoloLearn. The programming languages taught by this educational app are always updated as and when the language is updated. The educational content delivered to a student is based upon their progress, their preferences and the latest trends in the market. A team of highly-proficient coders at this educational app puts forward comprehensive study modules to help students in learning in the best manner.

There are special challenges which students can take up. Upon the completion of each challenge, the participants are ranked against each other. This helps the students to sharpen their skills and work in challenging situations. This educational app helps students to become competent coders and increases their chances of employability. This educational app also enables coders to edit and share their codes right from their mobile itself. Coders can create their own lessons on this educational app in their expert area and also become a community influencer. It is also raked well amongst the educational apps due to its innovation and user-friendliness.


Do you have an urge to learn languages? Do you want to explore the globe and be able to communicate in every language? Well then, an educational app, Duolingo can be your guide. Duolingo is one of the most unique educational apps ever developed by innumerable language experts. So, what does this educational app have for you? Well, to be precise, this educational app has a collection of 21 languages that you may learn from. This educational app not only tutors for languages like French and German but also for Swahili and Romanian.

This app has multiple in-built levels which are unlocked only when the app feels that you are ready for the same. The Duolingo Owl also reminds your about lessons regularly. The language enthusiasts may feel free to set up their own duration of the lesson. This duration could be as little as 5 minutes or as much as 30 minutes. This educational app also allows you to schedule your lesson. Duolingo is successfully changing the way people learn languages. The downloads of this educational app are so high that it has been remarked as the best language learning app by The Wall Street Journal. This educational app helps you to learn languages at your pace and gain perfection in the same.


It is a wide known fact that the traditional method of education in India has stifled with many young, brilliant and enthusiastic minds. The rigidity of the system has indeed resulted in the loss of many Aryabhata’s, Tagore’s and Teresa’s. Having understood that the need of the hour for education is the removal of unseen yet prominent walls a group of educators came together to form Unacademy. This group of educators at this brilliant educational app is complemented by none other than the first lady IPS of the country, Kiran Bedi. Unacademy is touching over 8 million lives every month and helps them in gaining all that is there to be offered.

This educational app was developed to make sure that no student should lack in a field of study due to restriction of access because of social status, distance or money. Since India is home to 19% of the world’s youth, Unacademy was begun in India. This educational app helps students to prepare for GATE, GRE. UPSC, SSC, CLAT, and JEE. Not only competitive exams but also areas like Personal Finance, Personality Development, English Language and Fresher Placements are guided for by this educational app.


A unique method of teaching people all across the globe was designed by a very famous educational app by the name of TED. Well, most of you would be wondering as to why is TED categorized as an educational app? We have a justification for the same. TED which stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design is a platform where people from all walks of life come to put forward their views about various different topics. TED is an influential educational app meaning; it influences one and all who watch the TED videos.

At TED, an educational app people from all walks of life come to bring into the light topic of social concern. These topics range from the taboos around the world to breaking the myths about them. These TED talks increase the knowledge of the listeners and in turn also educate them. In fact, the most watched TED talk on the internet is by Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? It has been seen that the talks on this educational app very often affect the way people think and act. Many TED talks have become the reason for a change in society. This educational app educates students in a unique way and enables students to learn through audios as well as visuals.


Do you remember the Star Trek computer? Remember how LCARS is a computer operating system? Well, WolframAlpha has just made it all real. There was a time when we were left uninformed of various things because the available information was restricted to us due to some of the other reason. But after the advent of WolframAlpha, an educational app we can safely say that nothing is beyond our reach. All it takes is just a simple download of this educational app and the regular setup.

This educational app is a highly-trusted source for expert knowledge and computation. WolframAlpha has a collection of algorithms that computes answers and generate reports for you. Various parts of this educational app are also used by Siri, the Apple assistant. If you give the search bar a keyword, it will show you all the possible results for the same. This educational app is capable of surprising you and serving you at the same time. WolframAlpha, an educational app, helps its viewers to become educated with the data that is not available to them due to the vast range of data on the internet.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy, an educational app provides access to more than 2000 courses in just one app. A user can find courses ranging from data sciences to photography and from Python programming to music on this educational app. Students interested in medicine can also find courses of their interest and worthy of their time with Kahn Academy,  a top-rated educational app. There are also advance career programs like robotics and programming. After completing a course, a student can obtain a certificate for the same from this educational app.

This educational app also helps students to learn tricks for entrepreneurship so that students may be able to establish start-ups in a better way. The educational app offers stream courses that can be downloaded as and when desired by the students. Students may explore new degree programs from the best universities all around the globe. They may avail their certificates after having paid for the course.

LinkedIn Learning

Since in today’s scenario, a student is required to be highly-skilled before they are hired. This educational app helps students with more than 4000 courses for business, technology, and many more creative careers. Upon using this educational app, you would find that there are personalized suggestions offered for the students. These courses are suggested to help the students become more versatile and skilled in various disciplines. Students may also save their courses to view them afterward at the discretion of the student. This makes LinkedIn Learning a favorable educational app amongst the other educational apps.

Another added feature of this educational app is that students may learn at their own pace. They may take as much time as they feel they require to complete a course. Students may learn activities like content marketing. This helps them to earn money from what they write. The coding languages and website designing courses are also available for students to learn and develop.


With a mega package of more than 2000 courses and hobby programs, Udemy, the educational app is one of the most downloaded educational apps in the industry. Udemy offers students to study various programs ranging from Data Sciences to Marketing. The students are taught by the best experts which are more than 35000 in number. These experts impart education in 50+ languages to help in the removal of the restriction of information due to language.

Udemy is a unique educational app that helps students to learn on the go! Students may feel free to download this educational app and learn all that they want even when they are offline. They may gain knowledge at their own pace with the option of speed control and closed captioning. There are various paid and free of cost courses for Business Development, Information Technology, and Programming. Not only this but Udemy, the educational app also offers courses for personality development. There are numerous lifestyle and photography programs that help the downloaders with almost all the help they need.


Coursera, the educational app might be just what you need if you are looking for a certificate course. Students all across the globe are driven towards completing a certain course or even opting for it only and only when it is a certificate course. Without any certification to claim that a student has experience or knowledge of a certain topic the time invested upon the same becomes futile.

Well, having understood this requirement of certification, Coursera, the educational app has come up with a solution. Students who wish to gain the same may do so after enrolling themselves for the paid courses. On this educational app, students are guided to attain perfection in fields like robotics, nutrition, creative writing, and web development.


Grammarly is an educational app that was built to enable people to type with confidence. This educational app is different from the regular apps we use for educational purposes. You might ask how? Well, this app can be used while using another app. What this means is, one can use Grammarly while he/she is typing a normal text message and Grammarly will point put the edits as and when they arise. The keyboard of Grammarly, the educational app integrates with every app without any technical problems.

This educational app is also easy to install, and one may begin their work within minutes of the installation of Grammarly. This wonderful educational app has a different way of educating people. Grammarly does not have modules for teaching, in fact, it corrects you while you are typing. This way you learn and work all together. It is one of the most downloaded apps and helps students, writers and grammar Nazis to achieve perfection in their documentation.

We have written this article to help you understand how educational apps can help students to learn in a better manner. Do download an educational app that suits you the most. Happy learning!

How are educational apps certified to be useful and user-friendly?

Educational apps are certified to be useful and user-friendly depending upon a few characteristics like the content, the design and the integration of the app. First of all, an educational app is taken up to be scrutinized by a team depending upon the age group it covers.

We examine an educational app for the simplicity and comprehensibility of the educational app. The first step that is mandatory to be cleared is the easy accessibility of the educational app. If an educational app is not easy to access by the viewers, then it fails at its primary goal i.e. reaching out to its audience.

Upon clearing this test, the educational app is tested for the comprehensibility. It is crucial to analyze an educational app for this purpose so that the users do not encounter absurd and irrelevant content.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about Educational Apps

  1. Are there educational apps for educators?

Ans. Yes, there are special apps for educators as well. There are apps like Memrise and Kahoot. These apps help educators to become better and guide students towards a better future.

  1. How are these educational apps helpful?

Ans. Educational apps are helpful for people who aim to be educated in the comfort of their homes and become employable as well.

  1. How do educational apps help in becoming employable?

Ans. These educational apps help students to become employable by gaining knowledge in personality enhancement courses. These courses are like Digital Marketing and Content Writing.

  1. Are these educational apps good for young students?

Ans. Yes, these educational apps are good for young students. They may download these apps and learn while at play. There is also a facility of video tutorials which may guide them well.

  1. Which section of students can benefit the most through these educational apps?

Ans. The students aiming for jobs and internships are benefitted the most by these educational apps since there is a provision of learning extra courses to increase employability.

  1. How can educational apps influence kids?

Ans. Educational apps can influence kids in ways of audiobooks for educational and motivational purposes. There are special educational apps for the same. User may also put up their audios or videos for the kids around the globe to access and utilize for educational purposes.

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Vidushi Agarwal :