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Top 8 Career Counseling Companies in India

Why Do We Need Career Counseling Companies at all?

Career Counseling or Career Guidance is the method of providing a clearer picture to a student regarding his career. It has been seen that generally, students take up a specific course of study due to some cliché reasons like peer groups and subject availability at a certain school. This takes the students on a trip with no predetermined destination or at the least, the desired one. Well, Career Counseling is here to save the day. It is meant to help students in avoiding such situations and by far making a bad career choice resulting in nothing but repentance. You must be wondering how can one be counseled for career choices? Worry not, there are a group of people who can answer this question and many like this. Who do you ask? We’ve got the top 8 Career Counseling Companies in India for you. We hope they can be of help to you, but before reading about them let’s know a more about Career Counseling.

Career Counseling: The Not So Golden Ways

The first career counseling session of a student is held in his living room by some adult of the family. This conversation begins with the career choice of the child, moves over to his interests and ends with shattering his hopes for becoming what he wants. This intellectual session leads to the brainwashing of the child into thinking exactly on the lines of his experienced elders. This golden way of career counseling is practiced in almost every Indian household. But, as a matter of fact, this is not a trustworthy method, let alone the correct. What should be done then?

Career Counseling: The Proficient Ways

The development of the human race has led to advancement in many fields. So much so, that at the moment there are around 5 billion job opportunities and over 12.000 career options to choose from. The most proficient way of counseling a student regarding his career is seeking expert guidance. Who and where you ask? Well, there are numerous career counselors waiting to help you in sorting out things and going in for nothing but the best. Now, you might have begun to wonder as to by when should a child receive his first career counseling session? In the opinion of many counselors, class 8th is the first time a student should go for a session and continue until he feels the need to do so.

What Do The Career Counseling Companies Do?

The Career Counseling Companies come into the scenario when a student reaches the age for career counseling. These companies are properly formulated organizations that offer guidance to the students in proficient ways. The career counseling companies have an elaborate procedure comprising psychometric tests, one-on-one counseling sessions, and a few mental exercises and offer great insights. This procedure is so elaborate and accurate, that in the end, it gives the student a gist of what his interests are and what are the likely careers for him to proceed in. Hence, it can be safely said that career counseling companies often know what we are capable of.

Considering the Indian setup where about 85% of the population comprises students and professional workers, career counseling is the need of the hour. And while the geographical barriers pose a hindrance in receiving quality career counseling, the online career counseling platforms are available as well. So, let’s check out some of the prominent names in the field of online career counseling. We have culled out the best 8 career counseling companies in India available to chalk out the roadmap of your career.

The Top 8 Career Counseling Companies  in India are as follows:


Minder is one of the best career counseling companies in India and has helped shape numerous careers. It is a proud group of mentors from all walks of life ho aim to help the students gain proper insights about their interests and how they could make a career out of it. The career counseling program at Mindler is highly-efficient and has been a guiding light to various confused and unsure minds. The career counseling at Mindler is begun with a 4-stage career assessment. This test helps the career coaches to gain proper insights into the student’s behavioral pattern, interests, capabilities and weak areas.

The next stage of the career counseling program at Mindler is a one-on-one session with an expert. During the session, the counselor explains the report of the student in an elaborate manner. The mentioned report is a detailed analysis of the behavioral pattern of the student based on the questions he attempted. This leads the career counseling expert to help the student in a better manner. A highly-skilled and organized team of analysts works hard to provide with the most appropriate results. They have blended artificial intelligence with machine learning to simplify the career decision-making process for the students and their parents. These are a few of the factors that have successfully lead Mindler to become a leading career counseling company in India.

Career Guide

This career counseling company has a special psychometric test by the name of Ideal Career Test which is divided into 4 sections – Motivation, Aptitude, Interest, and Personality. After attempting all the questions put up by these sections, a well-formulated report can be obtained by the students. This career counseling report shows the top 3 careers that could be the best for them. These careers are then diversified into the job options that the career choices open up to. For example, if a student gets Designing and Art as a career option, he will also get fields like Photography, Gemology, and Architecture as the lines they could take up.

This great career counseling report by Career Guide has helped various students to identify where their true potential lies. These students have gone ahead to become great leaders and have established a great career. This career counseling company also has a program for stream selection. The program is availed by the class 10 students. After the completion of this specific test, a student is presented with a report that clearly demarcates the best stream for him. In fact, the result is presented in the order of preference and the best stream is listed on the top. These streams are listed only after a careful analysis of the aptitude and interests of the student.

iDream Career

Working with various top-notch organizations like UNDP and the Indian Navy is a famous career counseling company by the name of iDream Career. This company offers various brilliant services to the students in their career counseling program. These services include a phenomenal entrance exam directory. This directory covers over 955 entrance exams and the admission procedures of more than 10,000 college admission procedures. Before beginning with the career counseling session, every student is made aware of the various existent career opportunities that are open to the student based upon his area of interest. The next step is the exploration of self by the student. This is done through the psychometric test that is attempted by the student.

After the test, the following steps involve the guidance towards the selection of the right career choice, the stream choice and in the end the right college. The Founder and CEO of iDream Career, Mr. Ayush Bansal, was motivated to bring up this career counseling company after he had himself faced various issues when he was 17. He quit his lavish job and came into the education sector to help various clueless students in discovering what is best for them. The career counseling program by iDream Career is regarded greatly in the field. iDream Career also provides online career counseling to the students who are unable to approach the company in person.

Career Futura

Aiming to help the students with career confusions is leading career counseling company by the name of Career Futura. This company has provided counseling to various students who have gone ahead to make a great future. Not only this, but Career Futura also guides people who are looking for guidance to restart their professional life. Various such candidates have been guided by this career counseling company and are quite happy with their new lives. As for the college students, the psychometric test of Career Futura analyzes them in the best manner to help the students understand which job they should choose.

The career counseling programs here are open for students, from class 8 onwards. The students may feel free to walk in and take their respective psychometric tests. The report of this test is presented in a self-explanatory manner. It consists of a very important section known as ESTP (Extroversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving). This section is given great importance as it also summarizes the ways in which ESTP affects a student’s career and decisions related to the same. This career counseling company then assigns a counselor to the student who resolves all his queries. The various programs at Career Futura are highly-favored by the public due to their affordability and effectiveness. If you need counseling, maybe Career Futura could be a good choice.

Career Achievers 360

Career Achievers 360 has been aiming to provide career counseling to the students who lack the required resources. This career counseling company has made a great change in the life of numerous students. Every individual who has career and stream related doubts is welcomed to walk-in through the doors of Career Achievers 360. The founder Mr. Rahul Dasondi is a certified Global Career Counselor. He has a vast knowledge in the field and had started this company to put his skills to use. This Indore-based career counseling company has prevented may students from going in for the wrong career choices. The parents are also welcomed for the career counseling sessions in order to resolve their queries regarding their ward’s choices.

There are 5 career counseling programs for students of classes 11 and 12. All these programs are different in pricing and services. The first program is meant for profile evaluation wherein, all the questions of the student regarding Indian and abroad colleges. There are two separate packages for Indian and International college packages. They provide you with a list of colleges and the services they provide for along with their entrance details. These packages offer 5 – 6 sessions in a year. All the packages have a common feature of emails regarding the updates in the field or the university procedures.

Riteway Career Solutions

This career counseling company is owned and directed by Jagadish Kundu, a passionate career counselor. He holds the experience of being a member of various industries like Finance and Defence. His wide range of experience has made him understand the careers in depth. This has led him to be all the more trustworthy in the field. This career counseling company helps students in many ways. The career coaching program of this company is open for individuals who are not satisfied with their jobs. Also, students who are aspiring to enter the corporate world are also provided with insights regarding their resumes. This career counseling company also helps the students to boost up their confidence through mock interviews.

The career counseling program for classes 8 to 10 offer 4 kinds of services. All these services provide the students with information about the Indian and abroad colleges. The psychometric tests for these students appear for are meant to help them for stream selection and career assessment. As for the students of class 11 and 12, there are two separate packages for Indian and Abroad colleges. They provide the students with email notifications about various updates along with lists of the colleges and their requirements.

Career Mantaran

If you are looking for a successful company that could evaluate your resume along with career counseling, then Career Mantaran could be a great choice. The counselors and advisors of this career counseling company are highly-qualified for the job and offer great services. The Founder of Career Mantaran, Pooja Bhatia, is a firm believer that career guidance is the key to success. She and her team offer great career counseling services across the nation and do not let the distance become a hindrance in their work. The career counseling services offered by Career Mantaran are effective in nature. The profile evaluation service offers 26 research tools that help the student in understanding the various aspects of is profile. These tools analyze every aspect of the profile and highlight the weaker areas for improvisation.

The career counseling package for Indian colleges offers advice for selection of the college and methods for availing scholarships. There are 5 to 6 sessions in a year during which the students can have a one-on-one session with the counselors and resolve all their queries. The package also helps the students in understanding their personality traits and how they can be put to use for career building. The Indian and International package offers a page detailed report indicating the best 3 careers for the student. The career counselors refer to this report and give their best for counseling the students. Various students have been guided by Career Mantaran and have gone further to establish a successful career.

Nurturing Minds

Headed by Bharati K. Trivedi is a Mumbai-based career counseling company, Nurturing Minds. Going by the company’s name, the career counselors have indeed nurtured many minds and have helped them in succeeding. This career counseling company works with numerous schools, individuals, families, NGO’s and corporate organizations in order to counsel people. Along with career counseling, Nurturing Minds has also embarked on a journey to educate the masses about the biggest taboo in India, sex. The said movement is named Kavach and had been accepted quite well over the years. This career counseling company was established by Ma’am Bhatia after understanding that multiple counseling session given to a child by the relatives and a few others leads to confusion and does not help the child in the long run.

This company has compiled Graphology along with career counseling which refers to the analyzing of a student’s personality based upon his handwriting. Since, 2012, Nurturing Minds has guided students in a proficient manner and have established themselves as a trusted career counseling company. The powerful package of Graphology and career counseling has led this career counseling company to understand the personality traits of the student and has lead to better guidance. The company also conducts various workshops which have helped students in understanding the need for career counseling and reach out to the right source of help. This career counseling company has indeed nurtured minds to lead great lives.

FAQ’S about the Career Counseling Companies in India:

Q. 1. What do Career Counseling Companies in India do?

Answer. Career counseling Companies in India provide people with quality advice which is referred to as career counseling. They help them in understanding what their interests are and how they can be harnessed to make a living.

Q. 2. What are the methods used by career counseling companies in India in order to help?

Answer. There are a few methods like the psychometric tests, one-on-one sessions, group discussions, parent counseling sessions and parent and child sessions which are used to help the masses.

Q. 3. Which is the most common career counseling method used by the career counseling companies in India?

Answer. The psychometric test is the most common career counseling method used by the career counseling companies in India. This method involves the answering of a plethora of questions related to aptitude, interests, intelligence and a few more attributes of the student. This psychometric test intelligently sums up all these areas and presents it before the counselor.

Q. 4. Who should go to the career counseling companies in India?

Answer. Everyone should go to career counseling companies at 4 levels in life. These levels are – class 8, class 10, class 12 and when you realize you are not doing the job you like.

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