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Top Gadgets That Changed Education Trends in 2019

Education has been evolving with the advancements that have been achieved in technology. Today, technology and education have become so interrelated that they cannot do without each other.

Some of the latest tech gadgets have proven invaluable for education. These tools are soon going to drive the future of education. In fact, they are already changing the way people learn in 2019. Here is a brief deconstruction of one of my essays on how some of the emerging gadgets are transforming education in 2019.

Tablets And Smartphones

It is true that smartphones and tablets are posing some risk factors for the young generation that seems obsessed with them. However, they also have lots of benefits to offer, especially in terms of education.

Smartphones and tablets are making it easier to personalize learning. Kids learn at different paces. Some prefer reading, while others need their teachers to dictate the lessons. Unfortunately, the current education system is not flexible enough to accommodate each student’s preferences. Smart gadgets are filling this space by making education content available on-demand, and there are lots of educational resources available on the Internet.

Students are using smart gadgets to unlock the numerous educational resources available online. These include PDF papers, video tutorials, infographics, audio recordings, and many other types of files. They are learning to explore what works best for them, and that is driving advances in personalized learning.

Modern PCs

Researchers have published findings that show that computer power has been doubling every year since 1975. It has been advancing at a faster pace over the recent past, and this has dramatically benefited education. In fact, modern computers enjoy such prowess that they have already made significant breakthroughs in education.

Modern computers are capable of solving complicated mathematical problems. Now, in 2019, it is highly likely that we may see the first generation of quantum computers. These computers will be much more powerful than modern computers, and they will be capable of working out and solving much more difficult problems in a variety of subjects. They will come in handy for researchers, educators, and scholars in higher education.

Meanwhile, average students are using computers to finish their schoolwork and engage in interactive online learning. Modern PCs are also indispensable for students in IT and other tech-related courses.

VR And AR Glasses

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies are still in their early stages of development. Still, it is amazing what they already have to offer. Now, educators are seeking to leverage these capabilities.

One expects VR and AR technologies to make learning more comfortable and more engaging. Researchers have already concluded that concepts that individuals learn through the use of VR and AR technologies are easier to remember. This is particularly true when you compare it to those that they learned in the traditional classroom setting. For instance, consider a lesson on the history of WWII. Students who learn about it on paper will have a more difficult time understanding and remembering than those who actually see and experience it.

Thankfully, virtual reality can recreate scenes from WWII in fine details. This technology can recreate any scene and make students feel as if they are actually there. The visual aid and the life-like experience will help engage the mind and make learning more comfortable and more enjoyable. Many schools are still experimenting with VR and AR technology. However, Google’s and other major tech companies’ input promises to make the technology more cost-effective and available to schools across the country.

Education has helped to drive technology, and now, technology is helping to drive education. 2019 has been a fast-paced year for educators and students thanks to these and other gadgets, transforming education for the better.

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Sebastian Miller :