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Where there is a will there is a way, NEVER GIVE UP!!

This saying is probably the oldest of all, but the strongest of all. It highly motivates me to get up and fight any daunting obstacle that comes in my way. All it reminds me of is that I have the potential to accomplish anything I want in my life. Whenever this thought arises into my mind, I get positive vibes and the thought of getting failure in my task vanishes away instantly. There are few instances which have successfully​ changed my way of thinking. I think on a broader prospective and then work out on it. I hear many influencing stories about how people managed to face all problems, to rise as a shining star. Like, the one I recently heard about was Helen Keller. She has truly been a real inspiration for all of us, and probably she will always be. Despite the physical challenges she had, she managed herself and now she’s become a role model in our lives. I thought of this one story while it was summer time. I was just loitering around the bushes on that hot sunny day where I came up with this story. It was a calm weather, where I could hear the bird’s chirp, the waterfall make that soothing sound. I sat down beside the riverside, jotting down the points to include in my story, thinking the about how my story would be. So, Here it is.
Kabir, a boy aged ten years lived in a small village far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was a peaceful place where people worked tirelessly to earn for their living. Kabir and his younger brother with his sister and mother lived in a small hut.
Thier mother worked in the fields during the day time under the hot blazing sun. At night she sewed old worn out clothes and worked as a seamstress. Her hands were very weak and had lots of cuts but she just cared about her children. She was a very hardworking mother.
One fine day, Kabir, his sister and the  younger brother were at home while their mother was out at the work. Kabir being the eldest of all took good care of smaller siblings. He noticed something strange. His younger brother, Krish was upset. Kabir went to see what was wrong with Krish. He realised that Krish’s body temperature was too high. “He needs treatment immediately”, Kabir told his mother. Mother was too worried but helpless at the same. She wished to leave her work and go for the Krish’s treatment. If she did so, she would not have enough money for all that. She was crying. She needed help. All of a sudden, Kabir took the decision of taking Krish to the doctor. It wasn’t any easy task. He had to arrange the doctor’s fees, the equipments he would need in his journey to the hospital. His mother worked day in and day out to help Kabir collect the money as soon as possible. Besides his studies, he took a part time job also, so that he arranges things as soon as possible. He worked in a coal factory. His little hands turned red because of the wounds. He did not really care about himself. He did not care about anything but just his brother’s health. He did not want to lose his brother after his father’s death. He did not want to regret the fact that he lost his younger brother out of poverty.
Five days past. Krish was on the verge of getting unconscious now. Condition worsened, Kabir still did not lose out on hopes. On the other hand, Kabir successfully earned sufficient money to save his brother. All he had to do was to take him to the hospital which was another big task. The village where they lived was kind of on the outskirts of the main city. He had to travel almost 15-20 kilometers to reach his destination. He could not afford to have another thought but just start his journey in the that dangerous dense forest. He had to cross the woods to reach the main expressway from where he would take a bullock cart. He tied a broad, thick and strong band all over his forehead which was tied to a big basket shaped holder which was strong enough to hold Krish into it. He immediately put his brother into that basket. He could feel the heat as he held him closer. He bravely wiped the tears trickling down his chubby cheeks. Courageously fighting all the obstacles into that lushy green forest he reached the expressway. He waited for a long time in that chilling weather for a bullock cart to pass by. He finally got one, and reached the city hospital.

After the treatment of Krish, Kabir was called by the doctor. The doctor said that he was just in time. Anything later than this could have worsen the situation. But anyway, there was nothing to worry about anymore.Kabir sighed in relief. Krish’s medicines were brought by the nurse. The doctor praised Kabir for such bravery. He was literally in tears seeing that eternal relationship between two brothers.His love for Krish saved  life that day. He was very much impressed by the courage behaviour of Kabir. That super power was actually the will power in Kabir that lead him to success.

All the losses ends getting tied up here I would say that this is one story that stays in my heart always. It always motivates me whenever I feel that it’s the end. I would hence conclude by saying that this quote “Where there is a will there is a way” holds in true provided you believe in the fact that anything is possible!!

Thanks for reading my article ,

Warm regards,

Khayana Kapoor

(Grade 4)

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View Comments (4)

  • Well articulated... Great start Khyana at this age ... round of applause just few suggestion to you is no one knows the character until u build history behind it
    And u done it well

    If u take time to reach ur main character in at the point of half reading done ... it's loose the interest of readers

    One more there are two characters in story u shared, Helen and Kabir ... if u r building story for Kabir ... please don't plan a plot for other strong character.. cause this will also reduce the importance of ur main character

    It was well written Khyana

    Just take this as an positive feedbacks

    But good.. salute to ur thoughts and u dared to script that thought at such small age.

    God bless
    Keep writing

    Parikshit M Lad

  • Too good. Appreciate ur writing. Simple and prefect combination of words.
    Keep it up and enjoy writing