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Why is wastewater treatment required?

What is wastewater treatment?

Wastewater treatment is regarded as a use of water as it further connects out to the other basic uses of water in everyday life. According to Wikipedia: “Wastewater treatment is a process used to remove contaminants from wastewater or sewage and convert it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle with minimum impact on the environment, or directly reused”.

Hence by definition it can be seen that waste water treatment done by companies like gustawater is an important process that contributes largely to the water resources that supply water to for our every day use. Our natural habitat has been designed in a way that it can easily cope up with minor contaminations and pollution in the environment. However, if the level of pollution ranges up to greater values then things can not be controlled naturally and eventually humans have to step in to bring about the required changes to stop the contamination. Ironically, the contamination in our water resources is majorly caused by the actions of human.

Why is wastewater treatment needed?

Before looking into the steps and process of waste water treatment by gustawater, let’s look at the reasons that contribute to rise of wastewater. It can be caused by the rain water that is washed down the streets. People often that this water is fairly clean but on the contrary, this water is rich in contaminations that run down from our parking lots and roads that turns the water into wastewater.

So, the first reason can be natural events like floods or hurricanes that drive the dirt into the water. Lead pipes that are commonly found in cities are another contributor of wastewater. The lead from the pipes combines with the water making it potentially unsafe to be used by humans and needs to treat if brought in use. Litter like lithium batteries that are often thrown away in trash cans due to lack of awareness are another part of wastewater.

Moreover, pesticides and fertilizers which are used in high amounts these days in crop fields to promote plant growth seem advantageous from the above but once washed away with water, the chemicals in them make the water unfit to be utilized by humans. Oil spilling from industries, algal blooms and human and animal waste are other reasons that turn water into wastewater.

Gustawater – Saving the environment

Waste water treatment done under programs like gustawater has become a crucial process to save our environment and protecting it from any further damages. It is important to treat to prevent our environment from suffering from the extreme effects of it. It does not affect the environment but also contributes equally to cause health problems in humans. The organic materials in the waste water that is rotting together with the debris consumes the oxygen of the lakes that causes difficulty in the survival of marine life. Eutrophication is the process caused in the environment when oxygen levels fall in the water due to dissolved chemicals like ammonia and phosphorous. In this process, bacteria multiply rapidly hence eventually lead to death of marine life. The chemicals in waste water like chlorine act as toxic substances for the natural habitat. The metals that are washed away with the water like mercury, lead, chromium and cadmium have chronic effects on all species and the ecosystem.

The pathogens, viruses and bacteria present in the waste water are a primary contributor towards the contamination of beaches and shellfishes that have beaches as their local habitat. Other reasons include products that are in every day use of humans like medications and personal care products are a part of wastewater effluents.

Treatment of water – a crucial requirement

Waste water treatment by gustawater is an important process that is an important need of today. A simple wastewater treatment system includes several steps under which the water before it is ready to be used. The clarifier in the plant removes solid substances that are present in the water. The water is treated with chemicals in order to remove the presence of coagulated metals and solids from the water.

Through filtration, any traces of leftover solid waste are removed from the water. The water undergoes through a pH adjustment step to make sure that the water is present at a suitable pH. The treatment plants in gustawater treat the water, they remove the contaminations and bacteria from the water before it is returned back to the environment.

Although, globally great efforts are being made for the installation of waste water treatment plants, there is still a long way to go as more treatment plants need to be installed. Water is one of the most basic and precious resources for us that is being squandered and used up at a faster rate than imagined. It is important that waste water is treated so that the water is available for human and animal consumption before it is dumped into the rivers and oceans. Due to increasing awareness, people have started to raise voice against oil companies regarding release of oil spillages in the rivers and oceans.

The wastewater treatment is required in order to remove pathogens and other disease-causing bacteria from the waste water that are major contributor to health issues. If not removed, it can lead to health problems including digestive issues, sickness and even in some cases it can be fatal. If the domestic wastewater is not treated it can spread water born diseases like cholera, hepatitis etc.

The waste water treatment removes metal that are present in water due to release from the industries. The removal of these metals by the waste water treatment plant is important as they do not break down and more likely to accumulate hence are more damaging. The waste water needs to be treated in order to maintain the biochemical demand of oxygen needed by the organisms.

What happens if the water isn’t cleaned?

If the level of biochemical oxygen goes high, it indicates the presence of biodegradable material in the waste water that needs to be removed immediately. In the treatment, the synthetic chemicals that are present in waste water due to excessive use of pesticides and insecticides are removed. If they are not taken away, they are transmitted into the human body. A number of common chemicals is present in the waste water like diethylstilbestrol, dioxin, etc. These chemicals can cause blockage of hormones in the body and eventually effect the functions of the body that are controlled by these hormones. Through waste water treatment, dissolved solids like cations and anions are removed that can generally have a negative impact on the aquatic life. The suspended solids that includes both organic and inorganic solids can harm the aquatic life. This is also problematic if the waste water is being used for other purposes hence it needs to be treated properly.

In present and future, great efforts need to put in concerning waste water treatment as they are the desperate need of our environment. Reusing water by treating the waste water is a viable option to reduce the increasing scarcity problems of water. The world’s population is increasing at a fast rate and the graph of water conservation is going down the slope. With use of technology, raising awareness among people and proper initiatives this graph can be turned around and water resources can be conserved.

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Shahbaz Ahmed :I am Guest Post writer.I publish articles on different websites and share my knowledge with the world.