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10 Ways for Improving English Essay Writing Skills

Students have to complete multiple assignments. Most of them must be written. Not all are able to write them properly. Therefore, many students ask – Whom can I pay to write my essay? They grow desperate because they have no idea how to improve their English essay writing skills. Fortunately, there are 10 effective ways to achieve success with essay writing. Let’s highlight them.

Practice Writing

The first recommendation is the most obvious. You should write a lot and do it every day. Save your assignments, you should also write some of your own papers. These may be a diary or essays about anything you like. Of course, it’s better to write essays of different types. Change the type and topic every day to be sure you’ll handle them all.

Read a Lot

Reading is of huge importance as well. Firstly, read specialized literature that teaches how to write essays. Secondly, read the samples of other authors to obtain a successful experience. Thirdly, read different genres of literature. You may learn a lot from successful and famous writers. Take smart notes and implement interesting words and concepts in your own projects. Thus, you enlarge your knowledge and enrich vocabulary. Besides, it helps to develop reading comprehension.

Organize and Analyze

Try to control every step you’re going to undertake. Make an outline of preliminary, writing, and post-writing stages. Include all the steps, which are required. Afterward, set deadlines and analyze what measures are most effective to reach your objectives. For example, you have made research and found relevant evidence. Think when, where, and how to implement the facts into the text.

Manage Time Reasonably

Many students receive a lot of stress because they are limited in time. Being pressed by time, they begin to make unforced and sometimes ridiculous mistakes. Practice writing every day and try different writing strategies. Thus, you’ll figure out the ones which perfectly suit your writing style to handle the most urgent deadlines.

Sharpen Grammar Skills

Obligatorily repeat grammar. One of the typical problems of thousands of students is grammar. Don’t be lazy and repeat it even from the easiest level. Give special heed to the most troublesome aspects. Repeat it regularly to always control the quality.

Use Checking Applications

There are multiple smart applications, which help students to detect their errors and improve the quality of their texts. They can be used for different purposes to make your English essay writing skills better. Thus, you may find applications to check:

  • Grammar;
  • Plagiarism;
  • Spelling;
  • Word choice;
  • Punctuation;
  • Stylistics, etc.

Some programs even help to generate topics. Use them when you lack good ideas. Such applications like Grammarly, Hemingway editor, Advego, Ginger, and others are resourceful and useful to sustain different aspects of writing. Besides, they are available for free.

Find Evidence

If you’re assigned a scientifically-based essay, you’re obliged to support it with meaningful facts. You must use only officially approved information, which is fully related to your topic. Obligatorily verify the sources you’ve found and intend to implement.

Make Use of the Internet

Don’t forget to use the resourcefulness of the Internet. It has a lot to offer. Numerous educational and non-profit websites propose chargeless and helpful assistance. You can find tons of information, which helps to enhance writing skills and overcome academic issues. Besides, multiple custom writing companies may also consult you and provide with effective samples.

Let’s review the most helpful online resources:

  • Educational online guides, to-do lists, and articles;
  • Custom academic writing services;
  • Online forums;
  • Student and teacher communities;
  • Online courses and learning programs;
  • Webinars, workshops, lessons, discussions, etc.

Each resource has its own advantages and peculiarities. Try them all to find the required assistance.

Always Edit Your Papers

Most students never review their essays before they submit them. It’s a big mistake and you should not repeat it. Obligatorily reread your papers several times, use checking programs and ask other people to support you. Write down your mistakes and try to memorize them. Thus, you won’t repeat them in the future.

Make Your Texts Vivid and Readable

It’s of great importance to make your texts appealing to the eye. Many texts are really boring and hard to read. To make them readable and interesting, consider the following list:

  • Keep your sentences and paragraphs short;
  • Exclude junk sentences and words;
  • Be straight to the point;
  • Prefer the active voice and minimize passive constructions;
  • Use a formal lexicon;
  • Don’t overdo with technical terms;
  • Avoid slang, acronyms, abbreviations, clichés, jargon, etc.
  • Cover one point at a time in one paragraph;
  • Add tables, diagrams, charts, lists, subheadings, etc.

Memorize our recommendations and prompts. They are universal and help no matter what assignment you have to write. Avoid typical mistakes, constantly practice and enlarge your knowledge. It’s the best way to receive the best results.

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