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5 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Psychology

The millennial generation is the most perfectionist generation so far. Millennials tend to put themselves first, they are perfectionists, and they have high expectancies from life. However, it is for the same reasons that millennials are at a higher risk to experience mental health issues. As such, it is no wonder that the field of psychology is experiencing an unprecedented expansion and increase in popularity. This field is expected to grow by 15% by 2020, and experts predict that in the following decade, over 40,000 new jobs will be created in this field of work. As such, a psychology degree can be the foundation of a successful career in a very demanded field of work. So, if you have a native passion for psychology, and you are considering a career in this field, here’s what you can gain from it.

A Versatile Work Environment

Up until a decade, psychologists worked either independently, or they were employed by various healthcare institutions. However, nowadays, psychologists can find jobs in numerous settings, from social service agencies to public and private schools, colleges and universities, correctional facilities, private corporations and much more. The truth is that a healthy mind can make any person more productive, regardless of their age or their interest. As such, any individual or organization can benefit from the help of a psychologist.

Financial Rewards

Psychology has always been a rewarding field of work, but things are even better nowadays than they have ever been. Psychology salaries range between $70,000 and $120,000 per year, depending on education, and qualifications. To be able to work in this field, you need at least a Master’s Degree, and the top earners have a PsyD or a Ph.D. in psychology. To work as a licensed psychologist, you also need to accumulate a few hundreds of hours of internship as well as several hours of personal therapy. Salaries can also differ in different parts of the United States. Obviously enough, big cities like Los Angeles and New York offer much higher salaries, due to the higher costs of living, but also due to the fact that there is a greater concentration of potential patients in big cities.

Personal Rewards

Before you learn how to understand and treat others, you must first learn how to understand yourself and deal with your own problems. Studying psychology is a great way to get to know yourself on a deeper level. Many institutions have unique approaches to teaching psychology, approaches meant to benefit the students as well as their future patients. For example, the Meridian University teaches transformative learning, an educational concept meant to help students improve their self-awareness, and learn to practice compassion, conscience, and clarity.

You Get to Make a Difference

We all have the potential to make a difference in other people’s life through small actions. However, as a psychologist, you can actually make big differences. Helping people overcome issues that have been tormenting them for years. You will actually be able to help people confront their fears, overcome their traumas, mend broken relationships and become better versions of themselves.

You will Master a Special Set of Skills

To be a successful psychologist, you must have a wide range of skills. It is not just about listening and guiding as most people seem to believe. You also need to know how to interpret data. How to communicate complex information and how to communicate with different types of personalities. These types of skills will serve you not only in your career as a psychologist. They will also help you in your everyday life. Moreover, if you ever decide to change your career there will be many options for you. The skills that you will have mastered as a psychologist will open the doors to numerous professions. In fields such as marketing, management, education, criminal justice, health services, public affairs, human resources, business and much more.

As you can see, a career in psychology can offer you numerous benefits. However, in order to be successful in this field, you must possess a native curiosity for the complexity of the human mind.

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