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8 Essay Tips to Help You Get Scholarships

Essays are often a number one requirement for students willing to enter particular universities. Apart from providing them with the information about your excellent performance while at school as well as official certificates, an essay is what can either get you an opportunity of entering the university of your dream or what will stay in a way of entering it.

Moreover, educational establishments often require essays if you want to apply for a scholarship and cut the expenses on your studying. If you are one of those people applying for a scholarship and looking for simple tips on how to make your essay become your winning ticket, then keep reading this article to see what people familiar with the matter recommend.

Writing an essay to get a scholarship is different from writing a regular review for your literature class. This essay has to be perfect and fit in the picture. That is why you should put extra effort into creating it. Students that wrote excellent essays that opened the doors of their favorite universities before they shared their thoughts and secrets online. Here is what they marked as the best tips on creating an exclusive essay.

Best Tips on Creating an Outstanding Essay:

  1. Remember that there is no one way of doing it. Different universities expect a different level of creativity. So you will need to be as creative as possible to impress them with fresh ideas in your essay. All the admissions board expects is that you will present your personal beliefs and explain why you think they should accept you. But we will talk about this a bit later.

As we have already mentioned, you need to be unique and exclusive in your essay. Just  think of it: how many students are applying for the same scholarship at this university? All  of them are sending essays with an intention to persuade the admission board that they   are the perfect candidates’ university is looking for. Your only chance to be chosen by the  board is if you stand out and have a set of unique qualities. So make sure to mention all of  them in a simple but logical manner. You can start with a joke or a quote by a famous person. Whatever you start with, make sure you do it in your own unique manner and style.

  1. Comply with the requirements of the university. As a rule, every university provides the candidates for a scholarship with detailed information on what has to be added into their essay as well as word count and style guidance. Go through these requirements a few times and make sure you stick to them. If they mentioned that you should not write more than 500 words, stay within these limits. Otherwise, your essay might even be rejected. Following the instructions will show the admissions board that you are flexible and ready to obey the rules.

This will also show them that you appreciate their time and do not want to take too much of it by making them read more than they required.

  1. Remember to stick to the theme of the essay. If you know that you get easily distracted and can switch to a different topic in your essay, start with making a draft and then develop it into a whole essay. You need to come up with keywords for your essay and use their synonyms along with the actual keywords. This will make your text comprehensive.
  2. Another tip is to be real in your essay. The admissions board is all people in the flesh, you know. They have their beliefs and values, likes and dislikes. That is why it is a good idea to imply to your emotions and personal passions in your essay. Who knows, maybe a person on the admissions board will share your feelings and it will be your winning ticket? Being real is also a way of creating an exclusive essay. We are all unique in some ways, so share this uniqueness with your readers.
  3. On top of that, make sure you look really good in your essay. It is not about bragging or being shameless, but rather letting people on the admissions board get a look behind the scenes. They do not know you; you have never met. So you should let them see the best of you, your aspirations and dreams. Let them know what shaped you and made you who you are now.
  4. While still on this topic, we highly recommend you mentioning why you believe you should be picked for the scholarship. Think of those qualities or experiences that absolutely fit meet the requirements of the university. We are sure you know this, but just in case before applying for a scholarship go through its requirements and see whether you can apply for it.          
  5. If you still have some room in your essay tell the people that will make a decision on whether to give you a scholarship why you chose their university. Sure thing they will rather accept those people that are in love with the university rather than those who just randomly sent an application form. Maybe it is a family tradition to study here, and you want to follow this path and be a doctor too, or it is your biggest dream to be an engineer, add this information into your essay to let them see how passionate you are about this educational establishment.
  6. Avoid using timid words, especially if you do not mean what you are saying: this will not help you persuade the admissions board. Be yourself and let them like you for who you are not whom you pretend to be.

These are the tips we highly recommend you sticking to when writing an essay for a scholarship. Take it seriously and ask your friends, family members and maybe even tutors to read your essay and give their feedback to you before applying it. This will increase your chances of getting the scholarship.

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Kevin McNamara :