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Computing a Career in Computer Science? Details here

Computer science is changing the shape of future with its caliber for delivering outstanding technical services to the world. Computers have become an indispensable part of our daily life. There is hardly an industry which doesn’t use computers. When exploring the options for career in Computer Science, there will be a number of options and going through each of them can be exhausting. We have researched the important careers for you below. If you are a computer student or willing to make a career in computer science, you must choose the right career stream.

1). The Era of Cloud Computing

Cloud is one of the fastest growing technology all over the world. It has been estimated that the cloud market will grow up to $411 billion by the year 2020. Cloud computing allows users to use its resources over world wide web. As a student, if you have no idea about the cloud, grab this knowledge as soon as possible. Cloud offers services for infrastructure, storage, software, testing, platforms etc. One has better chances to start their career in this field. You can become a cloud architect, developer, tester anything, select the right platform and start learning it by today only.

2). Web Development and Marketing

The traditional ways of hosting website have changed. Most of the organizations are shifting their business operations on the internet. Website development is in trend these days. No matter how small or significant your business is, promoting it through world wide web is one of the best opportunities one can ever grab. And therefore, learning web development and related strategies like digital marketing, APIs integration etc., can help you grow your career as a successful professional.

MEAN stack development is one of the widely accepted technologies to develop web applications. MEAN is the merger of mongo database, expressJS, angularJS, and nodeJS. Learning these languages can be very effective and will allow you to stand as a professional MEAN stack developer.

Digital marketing is also one of the booming fields, creating employment for beginners and professionals. It includes search engine optimization, backlinking, promotional content, content curation and writing etc., to mark your presence in the world.

3). Machine Learning Driving Growth

In the past few years, the use of machine learning (ML) has grown drastically. ML performs computational statistics on a given set of data and learns from it. The actions like prediction analysis, chatbots, voice recognition etc., have become very advanced with the advent of ML. Productive platforms available over the internet like Lex, Polly, etc., are offering invaluable chance to learn and implement its applications practically.

4). Application Development

These days companies are drawing their attention towards iOS and Android applications. Most of the audience these days find it more feasible to use an application rather than surfing a website. So learning a full Android or iOS development can help you a lot. Android applications are developed in Java as well as Kotlin programming language. Learning these languages and having a hands-on experience on platforms like Android Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans will help you to become an expert and create multiple paths for you to choose from. Similarly, learning the objectives and accordingly developing an application for iOS can also be effectual. Apple has a tendency to swiftly provide Xcode for developing and debugging applications. You can also use simulators to test your programs.

5). Functional Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of things allows to operate and connect physical devices over the network with the help of sensors, actuators or other resources to share data between them. The use of IoT in infrastructure and in appliances like smart homes, smart vehicles etc., makes it another popular technology these days. It is estimated that IoT can add $10 – $15 trillion in the economy of overall world’s economy in the next 20 years. It has also been concluded that around 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet by the year 2020 which is a huge figure and will be probably more than world’s population at that point of time. Platforms such as AWS, FreeRTOS, IoT core and Greengrass offer you to connect devices over the cloud and use operating systems for microcontrollers to practically examine IoT.

6). Big Data Analytics

Data is generated at every phase of a process. Around 2.5 quintillion of data is produced every day and not all these data are in structured format. Companies are spending a considerable amount to get a fruitful result by analyzing this information. Big data identifies the patterns and has a deep understanding of this data by correlating them with each other. Tools like Hadoop, spark with their cluster computing frameworks to organize this data effectively. Various companies over internet provide spark training for beginners as well as professionals to learn cluster programming with step by step guide.

Final Thoughts

Technology is rapidly changing. You can think of career in computer science as a very powerful hotshot. At the same time make sure that capturing basic knowledge will make a better future for your career in the real world.  There has been a long time since computers entered our offices and there are here to stay. Therefore there is never a better time to select the right career in computer science and start working on it.

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