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Educating Yourself About Standing Desks

You may be going back to college, or just starting college for the first time. Consequently, you’re doing it to gain knowledge, to educate yourself and become an expert in your chosen field of work. Along the way, you’ll also be exposed to information and knowledge in innumerable other subjects as well. Some of them won’t be helpful (for instance, how much does a geologist need to know about roofing?) But some of them will turn out to be surprisingly useful even if they don’t seem like it at first.

One of those surprising subjects is the benefits of a standing desk, or height-adjustable desks as they’re also known. Here we shall provide information on height-adjustable desks for the sake of educating you. But it can also happen that some of you may start considering taking masonry as your profession! Who knows what turn things will take! Also, some of you may LIVE the principle of learning by doing!

Wide Range of Utility

The benefits of standing desks may not seem to apply if you’re working on your MBA or if you’re a med student taking a biology course, but they do. That’s because standing desks directly affect your own held day in and day out. More than likely you’re going to be spending a significant portion of your time at a desk. And, that time spent sitting down has a direct bearing on your overall health and the condition of your back. Moreover, you may suffer from eye strain, weight gain, heart disease, and more.

Moreover, you may wind up stuck in a hospital bed. As a result, your expensive education isn’t going to be of much use to you. Your health affects everything you do every day of your life. So, educating yourself on things that impact your health is a smart move.

Hence first, a few basic facts about sitting versus standing.

Health Impact of Sitting vs. Standing

According to the Smithsonian, researchers at the Mayo Clinic discovered that the average person who works in an office spends nearly six hours (5 hours, 41 minutes) at their desk each day. Further research points to the fact that six hours of sitting every day, can’t be overcome by brief workouts. No matter how strenuous they are, they aren’t going to help you much. The cumulative effects of all that sitting are simply too great.

·         Weight Gain

Researchers conducted a test in which a group of workers was put on the same exact diet and forbidden to make any changes to their workout routines. They were given special underwear with sensors in it to measure their physical activity.

At the end of the study, the researchers determined that the people who lost weight or stayed the same, walked around the office about two-and-a-half hours more each day than the workers who gained weight.

Further study revealed that people who stand, burn an extra 50-60 calories per hour more, on average.  This is more than they do when they’re sitting down. If you spend your morning sitting down, then spend three hours in the afternoon standing up. Over the course of a regular 5-day work week, you’ll burn an extra 750 calories.

Also, you may walk around during that time. For example, you can go to a co-worker’s office instead of emailing him/her. Similarly, you can walk to your office while talking on the phone, etc. This way, you’ll burn even more calories per day and per week.

·         Blood Sugar

The Smithsonian and Mayo Clinic aren’t the only ones coming to these conclusions. Others have turned up evidence that standing at your desk can lower blood sugar levels.

Research on office workers determined that standing for 180 minutes (three hours) after lunch, reduced the natural spike in blood sugar levels by as much as 43%. Controlled studies ensured that all the subjects ate the same foods and engaged in the same amount of physical exercise. The only difference was that one group sat at their desk after lunch and the other group stood. That was the only difference, and yet it changed their blood sugar levels by 43%.

·         Heart Disease

Finally, doctors have known since 1953 that standing was good for your cardiovascular system. In the years and decades since then, researchers have figured out that sitting for extended periods of increases your chances of heart disease by an astounding 147%!

It has become widely accepted in the medical field that the more time you spend sitting, the greater your chances of having serious heart problems.

Invest in Height Adjustable Desks

You need to look into HADO’s range of desks and workstations that are height-adjustable. They have a wide range of style’s to choose from. There are electric ones that are raised or lower by quiet electric motors, others that are hand-cranked if you’re worried about saving electricity, and still others that are gravity desks.

The range of prices is equally impressive. Don’t wait for long! Invest now and start protecting your health.

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Kailash Giri :