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Why Career Counseling Is Essential to Accurate Career Selection!

Career counseling is the process of identifying the real potential of a person. It guides people in selecting the right stream after class 10th. Moreover, it also helps in selecting the right course and career after 12th and graduation. It also helps professionals with a career change.

Career counseling is like medicine that cures you for your career confusion. It can help you at every stage of your life, whenever you need guidance regarding your career.

Let’s Find Out Why Career Counseling Is Essential and How It Helps You at Each Stage of Your Career

1st Stage (Class 8-9)

The first stage of your student life is when you face a decision regarding making your career. It is the time when you have to choose your stream. The right selection of stream makes it all that easier to choose a successful course and career later on.

At this stage, students often make the mistake of choosing their stream based on the subjects they are good at. Or, they follow their peers who are taking a stream. At this stage, it is only you who can determine the best for you.

Still, expert career counselors are a must. They will give you a detailed idea about your best-fit stream according to your strengths, potential and your real interests.

You can easily consult career counselors in person or go through online career counseling for help.

2nd Stage (Class 10-12)

Perfect time for students to go for career counseling is during the ages of 15-17. This is the time when you need to be ready for the new world. This is the world where so many lucrative career options are available. Generally, students get confused at this stage. Sometimes they fall in the trap of peers/parents/popular opinion and don’t try to find out what is good for them.

Here career guidance comes to rescue. Career counseling shares the different details associated with a career: opportunities, career path, colleges, and more.  Thus, the counseling helps you make an informed decision. It suggests accurate career options for your future according to your strengths and capabilities.

3rd Stage (College/Graduation)

This is the stage when students are in their under-graduation program. They need career counseling to help them with concerns. These concerns may be like choosing the right step(s), deciding between masters or job, and even, changing their career path. Taking career guidance at this stage is essential to find the right path and direction for your future career.

4th stage (Young Professionals)

When you are not happy with your current job or career and interested in switching your career to another field. This stage comes in people’s lives if they have not gone for career counseling earlier in their life.

Career counseling in India helps professionals with up to 6 years of work experience in choosing the right career path.

The Case Study

Let’s look at the real-life story of a student named Prashant. He was good at math and science, and on the advice of his uncle, he selected the science stream after 10th. Later on, he realized that studying science is not his cup of tea but still he decided to go for engineering following the popular trend. During the first year of engineering, he realized that he cannot continue his study in the field. In school, he was also good at other subjects but he followed the crowd. After wasting 3 years of his life he decided to go for career counseling in Delhi and now he is successfully pursuing graduation in a humanities field.

Analyzing yourself on your own or listening to other people (well-meaning, but inexperienced) may lead you down a wrong career path, as in the case of Prashant. It may ruin your future or lead you to an unhappy or stressful life ahead.

Do not make such a mistake and do not waste your time and energy on a wrong career path. Put it in the right direction where you could be successful, and that direction you will get from an expert career counselor.

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Shahbaz Ahmed :I am Guest Post writer.I publish articles on different websites and share my knowledge with the world.