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How Can I Write an Essay Effectively for My Desired Grade A+?

Wondering, “How can I write an essay effectively to impress my college professor?” Maybe, you’ve already tried several times but failed to get an A+. Alternatively, this can be your first time trying your luck at academic writing and you want everything to go flawlessly. In case you need any sort of help with writing your academic assignment, you can consider hiring professional writing services. There are online platforms that gather experienced authors who were once students themselves. If you want to buy an essay and shorten the time and effort invested in writing, you can do so from them. Just make sure to find reliable writers offering cheap and affordable prices, such as the ones at .

Fortunately for you, we have prepared some bulletproof essay writing tips. If you need your paper to receive the highest grade, simply follow these steps.

Read the Instructions Carefully

This is the first mistakes student make and it can cost them their desired grade. When you receive an assignment, the crucial thing to do is to read the instructions. First, you want to understand the task. The educator may ask to explain, compare, evaluate, or do something else in your assignment. This is an approach that you should utilize once you start working on your paper. Additionally, check out other directions. In most cases, you will get detailed instructions on how to format the essay, as well as other details that you should implement. It is vital to comply with all the professor’s requests or you are risking that A+.

Choose a Topic

The best scenario that can happen is that the educator provides you with an exact topic. This doesn’t happen always, which means that you are sometimes asked to conduct research and pick a subject for your essay. Although this requires more time, it can be good because you can choose topics that you consider interesting. It is more pleasing to write an essay when you genuinely want to know more about the subject of your writing.

Make an Outline

During the research phase, you should have identified reliable sources that you can use to support arguments and prove that contra-arguments are wrong. The next step is to create an outline to organize the information you gathered. When preparing an outline, you can utilize the famous 5-paragraph rule – the first paragraph is the introduction, the next three form the body and the conclusion follow in the end. You may include additional subsections in the body, especially if working on a dissertation, term paper, or another advanced paper. Most students divide the essay into sections and write a couple of sentences on each part’s content to use as guidance when writing. You are welcome to modify this approach and create your own sample or template to use as an outline.

Come Up with a Thesis Statement

The point of the thesis statement is to briefly explain what you will write about. You should position this statement in the introductory section just before the first body paragraph. However, it is imperative to have it prepared before writing because it is the main idea that you will elaborate. When coming up with a statement, make sure that it is

on-topic and in line with the topic provided or chosen. Try to find some samples online to see how a thesis statement should look – one or two sentences should be enough.

Start Writing…but Not from the Introduction

“Are you kidding me?” – We bet this is what you are wondering, but we are dead serious here. Once you have your thesis statement, you have everything you need to write the body section. Follow your outline and make sure to comprehensively, but concisely cover all planned paragraphs. Keep in mind the readability and content flow and use common sense when implementing citations, examples, and evidence that support the stated arguments.

Create a Memorable Entrance to Your Essay

The next in line of our tips is your best chance to capture the attention of the reader from the very beginning. It is also known as an attention grabber or hook that plays a vital role in every essay. When writing this entrance, consider your audience and start the essay with one of these:

  • Paraphrase or quotation- Make sure it is relevant and contributes to the topic.
  • Surprising fact- Something that will stun the reader.
  • Definition- Use in advanced essays, but paraphrase to make it more intriguing.
  • Question- An intriguing one that can grab the attention of the reader.
  • Do Not Overlook the Conclusion- It is close to the end of your assignment and you are getting tired. However, it is imperative to find extra strength and use your writing skills to end your essay on a high note. Return to the top of your assignment and read everything so that you can sum it up in the conclusion. However, try not to be repetitive, but find a way to further reinforce your claims.

Don’t Neglect Drafts

If you think you are done now, you couldn’t be more wrong. You have only finished the first draft which is, in most cases, loaded with mistakes even if English is your native language. This is why you need to ensure to reread your paper and identify any spelling or grammar problem. While you are reading, consider improving any sentences that are unclear. Remember – you need to know what you wanted to say in each part of your essay or it may get uncomfortable if the professor asks you a question.

As you can see, writing an essay is not a process that can be done in a couple of minutes. However, there is no doubt that you will feel proud that you authored an essay that received the highest grade from the professor. And do not worry – in case you keep not getting good grades, you can always ask for the service of a professional writer and get that A+ you are dreaming of.

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Joseph Moore :