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How to Become a Firefighter: 10 Tips to Prepare for the FireFighter Job

At some point in every kid’s life, they want to grow up to be a firefighter. Whether or not this desire preserves itself into adulthood isn’t important. What is important is that most of us have an innate desire to preserve life and to help people in need. However, training to become a firefighter is challenging to say the least.

Not only is the lifestyle very physically tiring, but the mental and emotional stress can tax even the most thick-skinned of prospective firefighters. If you think you have what it takes, check out our list of ten basic ways to prepare your life as a firefighter.

Keep a Clean Background

Regardless of your personal philosophy, you’ll have to appeal to a department’s interest in you as a person. After all, the best indicator of a person’s behavior is how they’ve behaved in the past. If you have a history of violent or destructive behavior or just petty lawlessness, you may find it difficult to stand out from the competition.

Understand Your Undertaking

When starting on this path, you should know that the road is long and arduous. There are several steps involved in the process of becoming a firefighter. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with these steps. If you don’t, you’ll be fatally unaware of what steps you need to take to become proficient in your field. It can’t hurt to familiarize yourself with firefighter equipment and procedure.

Firefighter Tests

It should go without saying that there’s no easier way to understand most of what will be demanded of you than to take a few firefighter tests. Keep a positive outlook and remember that it doesn’t matter if you fail certain parts of the test. It will teach you more about what to do in the future.

Visit Your Local Fire Department

Visiting local fire stations, particularly the ones that are part of the fire department that you plan to join, is a great way to not only “rub elbows” and get to know people, but to get a fresh look at the environment which you aspire to be a part of.

Life Skills

The last thing a fire department wants to go through the trouble of having to teach you is basic life skills, such as cooking, customer care, or basic mechanical skills. Make sure you are your best self and have become proficient in these sorts of skills before applying.

Be Truthful

The bottom of the rung is littered with would-be firefighters who were prepared in all aspects but could not pass a background check, having lied about something along the way. The background check required to become a firefighter is extensive to say the least. It’s better to just be upfront about any past indiscretion, be it legal or professional.

Physical Fitness

The work of a firefighter is physically very taxing. Aside from the obvious stress of physically rescuing people from fires, you will also be moving debris and ladders, all while wearing heavy equipment. If you can’t run a mile or do pull-ups, you might want to shape up a bit first.

Become an EMT first

There are many fire departments that require EMT certification before joining. Not only will being an EMT give you a firsthand experience in reacting to emergency situations, but it will eliminate a great deal of the prerequisite training required when becoming a recruit.


It doesn’t matter if you’re volunteering at a fire station or not. Fire departments are always on the lookout for individuals who actively give of themselves to support their local community.

Don’t Give Up!

You might find yourself failing time and time again, but there are plenty of great firefighters out there who have done the same. Learn from your mistakes, always strive for your best self, and eventually, your dream of being a firefighter may be a reality.

Also Read, Five Basic Skills To Enhance Employability.

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alfonsogonzales :Alfonso Gonzales is a freelance writer based in Malibu, California. He spent 25 years in the construction industry, working roofing, plumbing, electrical, and more before retiring. In his free time, he likes to work on home repair projects.