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How to Improve Your Academic Writing Skills if You are a Student

Academic writing is a huge part of the life of a student. To complete his/her education, a student needs to write on regular basis, and submit those writings for grading. And while to some, writing comes naturally, most of them find it difficult and rather challenging.

As Brenda Ngyen, writer at a dissertation help service says: ”Not everyone is born to be a writer. Writing is something you can develop with practice. Students still lack some guidance and space when it comes to academic tasks.” Professors often set deadlines for writing, making it extremely hard for most to handle this in time. Writing is basically unavoidable, which is why many choose to get some professional help from coursework writing services.

You would want to develop your writing skills. You may also want to learn how to condense research and materials into a well-written text. Hence, please check out the tips below.

Find the Perfect Spot

Every writer has a perfect spot for writing, one where they feel most productive and can escape all the distractions. Find such a spot in your home, in nature, or visit the library when you need some peace and quiet.

When searching for such a spot, make sure you take all the tools you need with you. All the writing software should be on your computer. Your pens and pencils, and of course, the appropriate lighting that allows you to write also fall in this category.

This should definitely not be the same place where you watch TV, eat or sleep. The body can associate the bed with sleep, which will make you lose focus almost instantly. Find a special place where you have everything you need around you, and nothing to disturb your writing flow.

Take a Writing Class

This is similar to asking for experts to help you. It allows you to develop your writing skills with the assistance of someone experienced in it. Very often, students are expected to be automatically able to write different types of academic content. Hence, find a good writing teacher to actually teach you how to do this.

Write Often

Your writing doesn’t have to be limited to writing only for academic purposes. To improve your writing skills, you need practice. With that in mind, write in every chance you get. Get a diary, express yourself on paper, and simply – practice.

Use Tools to Help You

Technology can be of great help when it comes to writing. Even though you have to do the research and actual writing on your own, it can help you find various resources, organize your writing, and even aid you with the editing and proofreading.

Some very popular tools among students are the Hemingway App for grammar, spelling, and structure; and Readability Score to help you make your writing stronger.

Know Who Your Audience Is

When you write for academia, you have a specific audience to impress. Bear in mind who these people are. If your goal is to impress a professor, it is safe to assume that you don’t have to explain all the points or provide definitions for the slang. However, if your public is more general, you should consider altering your language.

Of course, the instructions your professor gives you grandly decide how you’ll formulate your writing and your language. Pay attention to specific requirements, but also write as if you are speaking to your target audience. That should help you find the right language.

Get Rid of Distractions

This is the best advice you can get for any task you need to finish. Whether it is studying, writing, or reading, the smartest thing to do is get rid of distractions. There are plenty of things that distract students nowadays, most of them being technology-related.

That being said, your first and foremost task is to put your mobile phone away, turn off the email notifications, get away from the TV, and find a room where you can write without anyone disturbing you. If you write in a room where people are continuously talking, the TV is loud, and your phone keeps ringing every five minutes, your writing will take forever.

The more focused you are, the better you can write.

Read More

Reading is known to improve writing capabilities. If you aren’t reading often and for pleasure, you might want to start doing this to develop your writing skill. Reading at least a little every day can improve your writing quality on a massive scale, especially if you are reading something related to the field you are studying and writing in.

Reading helps you boost the vocabulary and find new ways to express yourself. To learn more about the structure and style of the papers you are writing, it is also good to read some good samples others have written.

Break Up the Text

Academic writing can be monotonous, especially if you are using the same structure and similar length for the sentences. Try to mix it up. When the time comes to edit that first draft, focus on breaking up the text to avoid monotony. Mix up the paragraphs with different punctuation and structure, play with the vocabulary – all to make the writing more appealing to the reader.

Since academic writing often requires a big amount of research, you need to put some effort into making your academic paper more appealing rather than somewhat ‘automated’.

Are you ready to take on the new writing challenges? Students get the task to write papers on a daily basis, and most of them don’t know how to approach the task or perform the writing part. These tips should help you master the art of writing and improve your skills. As a result, you can finally impress the professors and academic community and start seeing writing as an easy task instead of a torturous one.

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Cathy Baylis :