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preparation strategies for comeptitive exam of your choice

If you just turn around and see the world , the most evident thing that we see around us today is competition , competition everywhere , among the students , among the corporates , among the institutes and the tuffest part of it is that the number game , now whats this number game ? the number of people involve in this race , in this competition is huge , more than what can take a tuff thing to a tuffest level .

Shaping a career in such difficult situations is most challenging .So how to start for it  ? which strategy works out well ? to be very precise there is no strategy which works out better than hard work and no strategy , however good it may be cannot replace hard work . so , the first and foremost thing to succeed in this world of today is hard work . Hard work is like a scalar quantity too much magnitude but lacks direction , and we are all scalars the road to success is that if we can shape this scalar into a vector , give that magnitude a direction , a direction where we want to proceed , toward a bright career .

The best way to begin is have an aim , know what you want to do later in life , if you start of early then the probability of your getting there successfully is quite high . if you are aiming at cracking the CAT exams know that it is one of the tuffest roads , start preparing for it from your days at college as an undergraduate, get yourself acquainted with the format of the exams , get yourself into that zone where you feel like even you are in the race with a good stand . if you are aiming at any exams related to English , which is one of the most important requirements today such as TOEFL ,IELTS , BEC etc then staert working on your English , start reading the newspaper keep yourself updated with the world around you . start communicating in English this will help in creating a positive impression and also a good approach towards any corporate , not just this it boots energy level and gives confidence in speaking well in any competitive interview .

To stand out of the crowd know that you need something different , something nobody else has  , create that X factor within you . Start aiming at things and aiming high . make your strategies , get involved with people around  and find the best suggestion that fits in well for you , stay within a group of motivating people and learn to be your own motivation .


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Shaikh ehetesham alli :